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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Madz

  1. Hello I want to use Cryptography in my software , for example my application is saving passwords to database and i want to decrypt that value before saving it to database how can i acomplish this task.
  2. Tell me one thing if i want to upgrade what would i get [/b]All new CD's[/b] or some other i am using Enterprise Developer it means i will received a Visual Studio.NET 2003 Enterprise Developer suit in just 29$ ?
  3. Well my dearest Friends. i m very shocked to see what every one is saying . there is one thing . since Release of Windows 95 no any company is able to beat microsoft. and its a universal truth. tell me one thing . if you are a new user and we give you 2 PC with with Linux and other with Windows. and user will always choose Windows you know why ??? it is much much easier to operate. and if some one askes for a some thing creepy choice for hackers and system administrators or programmers most of them probebly ask for Linux coz this is the only operating system which can be modified as any one wants. and do exectly the same what some one wants to do. but now things gonna change Many programmer use Windows based development tools coz its are more eaiser to develop applications in less time. In Windows it always try to do every automaicaly. and if some user try to do something it shouws it a Blue screen Error. but things are changed now. Windows XP is more stable and with .NET applications Windows 2003 .NET server is the best. below is a link to a benchmark Visual Basic .NET Benchmarks
  4. My Dear at the end of your applicaton your must 1- Close the document which you opened or created through code 2- Kill the excel process by sending command Excel.Application.Close or something like this in aplication object methods other wise your object would remain in memory. and in future development please remember one thing whenever you try to call any Ofifce asseomblies, remeber to mention its CLOSE methods
  5. just on the windows taskbar right click on the application and choose move and then you can move this form
  6. Me a Developer in Internet Services Provide just doing nothing all day sitting in fornt of computer and searching for more download able developr tools. Download is like having sex More you do more you wanna have Mostly work with Borland C++ and Microsoft C++ and now with C# and .NET classes so much enjoyment with this.
  7. with VB might be using Active-X controls. coz its too much hard to develop Sytems with VB.
  8. Ah, Tell me one thing, Why you are using CR 8 with .NET tool. coz it was an old version . if you have VS.NET then just install CR Components. i was thinking you are using Crystel Report 9.0, instead of using 8.0 with Visual Studio .NET you should use Crystal Reports For VS. Packaged with Visual Studio.NET or CR 9.0 . if you dont have a lisance then no problem you can use CR for .NET , just try doing one thing. Delete all temporary files from your temp Folder. Next there is one thing Visual Studio is unable to find dependency files for your CR 8 Reports. Coz it;s quoting that Unable to find FILE
  9. Madz

    Exe file

    Just Remember one thing when you Compile file or Run your application EXE File is automaticaly created and its loated in BIN folder , where your project is saved.
  10. Dear You dont need to add any additional packages. Just these packages will do every thing you want The merge modules Crystal Reports 9 are available for download from the Crystal Care Technical Support web site at the following URL: http://support.crystaldecisions.com/updates/ Once on the web site, search for the merge modules by selecting Crystal Reports from "Select a product," 9 from "Select a product version," and Product update from "Select a file type," and then click Go. There are potentially four merge modules that need to be included in a setup project to deploy reports. � reportengine.msm � crnetruntime.msm � mapping.msm � license.msm The reportengine.msm merge module is used to install the core files that comprise the Crystal Reports engine. This merge modules is always required for Crystal Reports 9 .NET applications. The crnetruntime.msm merge module is used to install the Crystal Reports 9 .NET managed components, such as CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.DLL, CrystalDecisions.Web.DLL, and CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.DLL. This merge module is required for all application using any of the managed .NET components. The mapping.msm merge module is used to install the files required to support displaying geographic maps inside reports. This merge module is only required if geographic mapping is included in your reports. The license.msm merge module is used to specify a license keycode in order to determine the scalability of the report engine. This merge module is always required for .NET applications. When license.msm is added to a setup project, it exposes a LicenseKey property that accepts a keycode. The license key is emailed when the product is registered. This key is also available from the VS .NET Help | About� dialog, under the installed products list. The 19-digit license key must be entered into the LicenseKey property for the license.msm merge module. If the license key is not set for the license.msm merge module, an error will occur when building the project. If the setup is installed on a target computer without specifying the license key for the merge module, various �keycode.dll� errors will occur. Since Crystal Report for VS .NET is based on the .NET Framework, the framework must also be distributed and/or installed on the target computer. When a setup project is created, usually the framework merge modules will be automatically included. There are two other merge modules that may need to be included depending on the report(s). If any of the report files are based on ADO.NET dataset objects, the VC_CRT and VC_STL merge modules need to be included in the setup project. These two merge modules are required because the database driver, crdb_adoplus.dll, is dependent on files installed by these merge modules. Important: When these two merge modules are added, there is a �MergeModuleProperties� property for the file. If you expand that, one of the properties is �Module Retargetable Folder� � this is set to Default. Click on the drop down list to select a different folder from the default. Select the �Browse� option and it will list the folders available on the target machine. A system folder will need to be added before you can set this as the new target folder.
  11. The problem i have faced is similar to like this I have a TCP Listner, and i am assigining a new thread to a new incoming connection, if there are some active connections then although application is closed its proces in back is still running and then i have to go to taskmanager and then kill the process
  12. My Dear i also have faced this problem First of all you need to download Crystal Reports Murge Modules. it could be found from http://crystaldecisions.com then add those murge modules in your setup Package. that zip file alos contain a pdf file realted to how to make a setup package with that i hope it would work.
  13. Just Pur Form's property "IsMdiContainer" to true and it will become a mdi parent form. next if you want to open any form inside that just put its MDIParent property to the instance of MDI form. such as dim frmA as new frmChiled frmA.MdiParent = FrmMDI.Activeform frma.show()
  14. This Script was originaly Provided by EREN , I have made some modifications to it. now we are having the same Question. This is a Script which can get all IP addresses assigned to computer. There are some things in this the IP address which it is getting are in this sequence. 1- First IP address is from Network Card 2- Second one is the PPP , or IP assigned to MODEM if there is not network card then this would be the first one 3- Other IP assigned to Netowrk Card I want to know is there any other way to get the specific IP address such as which ip is assigned to Modem, and which one is assigned to Network Card. the code given below, its in C# using System; using System.Net; namespace IPAddress { class madzone{ static void Main(string[] args) { string machine_name = Dns.GetHostName(); IPHostEntry host = Dns.GetHostByName(machine_name); Console.Write("This utility finds all IP addresses assigned to this PC."); Console.WriteLine("There are " + host.AddressList.Length + " IP Addresses asssigned to this PC"); for (int i=0; i < host.AddressList.Length; i++){ Console.WriteLine("IP # " + (i+1) + " : " + host.AddressList[i]); } Console.WriteLine("This is end of search, Press any key to Exit."); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
  15. I hope this might help you in understanding IPENDPoint. IPENDPOINT Represents a network endpoint as an IP address and a port number it is used by SOCKET [color=green]// here you are get IP address of some server[/color] IPAddress hostadd = Dns.Resolve(some server).AddressList[0]; [color=green]// here you are initializing a new IPENDPOINT by telling it a complete target. //such as a server and its port[/color] IPEndPoint EPhost = new IPEndPoint(hostadd, 80); [color=green]// here you are definiing a new SOCKET which will use this end point to connect // to target Host.[/color] Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp ); [color=green]// Connects to the host using IPEndPoint.[/color] s.Connect(EPhost); I hope now you would have clear understanding about IPEndPoint.
  16. I got the same error , but it was during Installating . every time i tried to install dotnetfx.exe i got an error "installation failed" , Thanks now i become to know that it was due to IIS.
  17. Dear you are just calling a store procedure, you know you are just asking ADO.NET that it should take this parameter and execute the specified SQL Server Store procedure. you are not executing any TSQL statement . its not possible to view which query text has been sent to SQL Server. Can you check the Syntex of your Store procedure. just write it and try to convert it in a simple TQL Statements and then try executing it from your application.
  18. Does it support ODBC, if yes then download Microsoft .NET ODBC Data Provider it will do your work , it could be found form MSDN download section.
  19. Why dont you generate a Dataset File. Dataset1.xsd after generating that you just need to add an instance of it with in your application. and you can fill its tables.
  20. What about Data set which has been generated, do it contains the
  21. Just Put the access database file in the slution Folder and at the datasource just enter "\Database.mdb" it would work
  22. You are Executing a Store procedure and asking to view command text . :mad: STORE PROCEDURES are Database Objects that are located with in Database You are just asking your command object to call that Database Object not T-SQL .
  23. Dear Before blaming Microsoft , have you checked your system is functioning properly. and before testing any example please read documentation and their requirments. I am subscriber of MSDN since last 3 years and till now i didnt got any error like this. coz these codes are tested more then 3 times before adding with in ducumentation.
  24. I just found an C# IDE, its almost like Visual Studio.NET its link is http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/Default.aspx I hope it would be nice for those who can not spend $$$ to buy Visual Studio
  25. Hello all I just installed MONO on Redhat Linux 8.0 an open source .NET implementation. its realy great work. almost all calsses are acessable through code. there is only one thing that is we can not use intellisense under linux as like we are using this feature under Visual Studio.NET IDE. now there is one advantage with .NET that applications developed with in VS.NET can easily integrated with in Linux , there are some bugs, but i hope in near future that would be solved. Please Visit Site http://go-mono.com
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