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Everything posted by Madz

  1. but my dear, in windows forms Datagrid is edit able by default. but i will not save your data back to database unless you have an Update mechenism. on Web forms its just to display data.
  2. just use the ENTER Event of TextBOX and add code textbox.seletall()
  3. Just make its view Property to LIST VIEW
  4. I dont thing so, there might be some thing missing coz it is so much easy just drag the table to designer and it will add a table.
  5. Dear There is nothing difficult with it. Just Do these Steps 1- Generate an XML file this is required for Crytal Report if you want to use ADO.NET with Report. its much easier to generate it Just you need to add an XML Schema File to your Solution. then from Server Explorer Expand the SQL Server List and then Drag the Desired Table to the File. 2- Then FRom CR Report Designer choose ADO.NET it will ask you to open some XML File then path to that file and choose the columns which you want to show on table. 3- then design the Report with code above. and Query the Table which you want to show on report. and fill the report with that. the above example it from a real project this shows the Delivery Report on a paid order. Which shows the desired delivery report and get it by report id. Here an other example which shows the sales record on report it is much easier. and same as the old one Public rptDel As New rptPaymentsReport() Private Sub frmDealerReport_Load() Handles MyBase.Load On Error Resume Next Dim myAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(strQuery, mySQL) Dim myDs As DataSet = New DataSet() myAdapter.Fill(myDs) rptDel.SetDataSource(myDs.Tables(0)) crvDealer.ReportSource = rptDel crvDealer.Zoom(2) crvDealer.RefreshReport() End Sub
  6. My Dear They is just a simple confusion between us, i was just thinking you are saying that Psudo-Code is useless and i was telling you that in Enterprise Level Applications with out any architectal design it is not possible to design any application with desired features. you always need to keep in mind what we want and how it sould be implemented.
  7. I have the Enterprise Developer .but where is the Source Safe ??????
  8. This example will show you how you can dynamicaly load data in to a report and view in a CRV Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class frmDeliveryReport Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Public myRpt As New rptOrderDelivery() Public intDeliveryId As Integer <HERE FORM DESIGNER CODE> Private Sub frmDeliveryReport_Load() Handles MyBase.Load Dim myAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Some Day Where OrderDelivery.DeliveryID = " & intDeliveryId, mySQL) Dim myDS As DataSet = New DataSet() myAdapter.Fill(myDS) myRpt.SetDataSource(myDS.Tables(0)) crvDEL.ReportSource = myRpt crvDEL.Zoom(2) End Sub Remeber these Steps 1- Design a Crystal Report from ADO.NET generated XML file. you can create it from adding a new XML Schema File or asking and Adapter to generate a data set. this file is nothing just a sequence of colums which your Query will return. 2- Then on the Report Form you first need to instentiate that report file ang generate some data set from some query 3- then From that generated data set , set the datasource property of Report to that data set. so the report loads data in it 4- and at the end you need to set to CRV report source property to that generated report.
  9. From IIS Admin you can configure your SMTP Servre. and then with this class System.Web.Mail.SMTP you can send emails.
  10. There is alone one thing JAVA is some thing difficult for a new programmer to understand and it is alos Case Sensitive. and the VB is much easier for a new one to understand with visualy editing every thing.
  11. that;s confusing, first of all you need to check the entry data, as there is only one data colum so there is possiblity that all items are enterd on the same date. please try " Inner Join Items on Items.CategoryID = Category.CategoryID "
  12. But in professional line this doesnt happens, you can not write code unless you are sure what you are going to do it. First of all you need to make an architecture. and then a stretegy of "how to implement it". in small level projects it works to directly go to the code section but in enterprise level this dont. just where thousands of lines of codes ...... Remeber one thing The time you spend on designing before wrting code save doubles of time after writing code.
  13. this link might help you http://www.xs4all.nl/~jlpoutre/BoT/jhead-xml/
  14. Madz

    User IP

    Asp.NET supports the backward compatibility with ASP
  15. Might be possible You are genisue dear. ;)
  16. Madz

    User IP

    You can also get other information from Request Object such as User Host Name , Browser, Operating System. etc. Just check properties of Request Object.
  17. Dear i am not MCSD.NET just preparing for that. .NET exams were relaeased after a long time ago official release of VS.NEt and the main Solution Architects Exams are relaease only a few months ago. dua to shortage of time i was unable to do so. just preparing for that exams.I m MCSD with VC++ 6.0
  18. There is nothing problem with in , I m MCSD since 2000 and doing job in an ISP, and using .NET since its 1st BETA Release which i got in 2001. then in mid of 2001 its Beta 2 was relased and then on 15th feburary 2002 Micorosoft officialy launched VS.NET 2002. Microsoft worked with .NET since 1999 and in PDC 2000 it announded for its .NET Technology. and later on PDC 2001 it announded .NET 's furthure enhancements and features.
  19. its a Predefiend Type with in WMI. i m not sure how to use it but i will check. you need to check WMI documentations for the complete list of it's types . once this type has been inherited we can use it under C#.
  20. Madz

    User IP

    private void cmdCheckIP_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Write(Request.UserHostAddress); } This is a simple code , Remember one thing Request.UserHostAddress will return the IP address of the Client.
  21. My Dear Remeber one thing . with in a home user environment games are always developed in very short stetegy. you dont need to access all DX9 Features. I have Boox "Insid Direct X programming " from MSPRESS and thats too much difficult to understand for a new user and the book you have quoted here i lloking file.This book would be very useful for you. but it is also better if you download the DX9 SDK. and other reference meterial. VB.NET also greate to work with DX.
  22. Hello Is that possible to prodcue Shadows of TextBoxes ? can any one provide me some exaple
  23. I found in MSDN about WMI and regarding to Windows 98 since long long time i havnt used it. and there is one thing .NET applications perform very slowly on Windows 98. it better to use Windows XP or 2000 for this
  24. Dear , this will not work with Windows 95, with windows Me, 2000 or XP it will work, this uses WMI, i got it from Platform SDK
  25. If you specify the table name then it will create the table with that name and fill data in it returned from query. as here adapter.Fill(ds, "LoginTable") it will create a logintable. if you dont specify any table adapter.Fill(ds) it must create a table just it will give it name Table1, its much better to always use a table Name.
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