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Xtreme .Net Talk

Ace Master

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Everything posted by Ace Master

  1. Hi. Couple of days ago I installed the VS .net 2003. The problem is that the applications made with this can't seems to work on the other computers with framework 1.1 installed. For this ver if VS .net, is needed other ver. of framework installed ? thanks
  2. looks good, but how I resize the scale of the chart ? Where is the code for chart scale by those values ? thanks
  3. Hi Alex. I have a chart control in vb.net In this chart I will put different kind of values. They are not between 0 and 100. I can have 100 but in the most cases they are small values. I can have also values like 0.2858 or 1.547. If I have the chart with 100 scale, my small value (0.2545) will be to small for showing in my chart. So¡K I will make a maximum and minimum from my values and I want to set the max chart scale by this value. Ex: The last 6 values are : 0.2, 2.3, 0.2568, 0.987, 1.4558, 2.488, 5.4888 In this case I want the max scale value for the chart to be 6. If I want to display the last month values, maybe I will have there a value eq to 50. In this case the chart will show the max 50 on the scale. You understand what I want? I need only the code for modifies the chart max scale. After that I have programming knowledge to build my function. I think :) Thanks a lot
  4. hi. I have this chart and by default , the max value is 100. The problem is that my values are between 0 and 10...or 20 ...etc.. How I can make dinamicaly rescale the max chart value? I tried some tricks but when I write my code the chart is not visible. thanks.
  5. something else... As you can see in my pictures, I have those columns in equal size. But for ID I don't need to be so big and I want to make a custom column with, but can't find anyware how to do it. Let's say that I want for : ID column : 50px Unit name: 250px Unit Value: 50px Date: 150px how I can make this ?? thanks
  6. thanks.
  7. this is how I want to look my grid.
  8. my problem anybody can tell me how I can make this work ? I have this datagrid and when is opening I want to see the data directly without navigation & stuff ..like in picture 2. thanks
  9. I was reading the text file into a array like vect() and this is the code for creating the grid: ' Build the DataSet. m_DataSet = New DataSet("History") ' Build the table. Dim gridul As New DataTable("History") m_DataSet.Tables.Add(gridul) gridul.Columns.Add("Unit ID", GetType(Integer)) gridul.Columns.Add("Unit Name", GetType(String)) gridul.Columns.Add("Unit Value", GetType(String)) gridul.Columns.Add("Date", GetType(String)) ' Populate the History table. Dim grid_data(3) As Object grid_data(0) = 1 grid_data(1) = vect(0) grid_data(2) = vect(1) grid_data(3) = vect(2) gridul.Rows.Add(grid_data) grid_data(0) = 2 grid_data(1) = vect(3) grid_data(2) = vect(4) grid_data(3) = vect(5) gridul.Rows.Add(grid_data) ' Bind the DataGrid to the DataSet. grid.DataSource = m_DataSet if you still have problems, let me know.
  10. done...
  11. Hi. How I can fill a datagrid from a text file ? I already read the text file into some arrays, and now I want to put them into a data grid, and don't know hot to link the datagrid to my variables. thanks
  12. done... it was so easy.... :)
  13. I want to make two arrays, the first unidimensional ( var1() ) and the other bidimensional. ( var2(,) ) I have a for loop for extracting some values, and that values are going to the unidimensional array. I want for each loop to take the value from the first array and to put it to the big array, and when the loop is over to have all the values inside the multidimensional array.(var2) I can�t make this work. Thanks
  14. I made my loading for all the files I need, but the problems is how I can put my info from the files into separate variables ? This because as you can see for put the info into ziua1 but when the next cicle ocur I will loose the previous data. How I can make a separate variables for each file I open and read ? thanks Public Sub grafic_for(ByVal x) For i As Integer = 0 To x ziua = Format(DatTim1.AddDays(-i), "dd") month = Format(DatTim1.AddDays(-i), "MM") year = Format(DatTim1.AddDays(-i), "yyyy") cale_finala = cale + ziua + month + year + ext Dim my As IO.StreamReader my = IO.File.OpenText(cale_finala) Dim Line As Object Dim space1 As Object = " " Dim enter1 As Object Line = my.ReadToEnd my.Close() ziua1 = Line.Split(space1) Next End Sub
  15. load multiple files ?? hi again. Nobody knows how to load multiple files to an array? I whant just a simple code for loading the 3 files into an array. I will make the rest by myself, but I can't make this work :( thanks
  16. thanks Thank you, is working now. Anybody has an idea how to load several text files. I have those daily files and I want to extract a value from each file of one month to calculate a medium value for a chart. Ex: If I want to see the medium value for October, I need to load all 31 files and to extract a specific value from each file (10,50,20,50,etc) and after that to add them and calculate the medium value like (10+50+20+50+..+n)/31 and this value to put in my chart. I tried a loop code but no success with that. Thanks
  17. a little help here? I�m fighting for a while with this code and can�t find a viable solution for my problem. I still have those charts for the last seven days and the last six months. All I made by know is to have this chart displayed but with this problem: I load for each value from the chart a single value from one text file. So, if current day is 20 I load: 20102003.doz 19102003.doz 18102003.doz 17102003.doz 16102003.doz 15102003.doz 14102003.doz In those case all looks perfect�but the problem occurs when the current day is, let�s say..6 Nov 2003. In this case I need to load this files: 06112003.doz 05112003.doz 04112003.doz 03112003.doz 02112003.doz 01112003.doz 31102003.doz You see the problem? After I made my day subtraction the app is trying to load this file: 31112003.doz. The code I write can�t know the month is over and need to subtract the month to load the �31102003.doz� Of course the problem will appear when I will display the month charts in January. So, please if anybody can help me with this, I will be grateful. Thanks
  18. I use to have a form with icon tray and a hide button. This controls use to work fine until I created other form for password check. Now, after I set the� password check� form to be the first form loaded, the icon tray remains in the task bar (and disappear after I move the mouse over him) and the hide button now close the application even if the code is �visible = false� not close or similar. But if the start form is original form, and the password form is not visible everything works fine. Where is the problem? this is the code for pass check If TextBox1.Text = "ace" And TextBox2.Text = "intel" Then Me.Hide() f1.ShowDialog() Me.Close() End If
  19. I have this code and I want to load seven different files for extracting some values from those files. Right now I can load a file named after the current day. 30102003.doz I want in form load to call a function for loading all files from 24102203.doz to 30102003.doz (all the last seven days beginning with current day) So..all I want is to build a function after my code here and sending some parameters for different files loading. In the end, I need to have: ex: vals1(3) = 30 vals2(3) = 43 vals3(3) = 54 vals4(3) = 54 vals5(3) = 76 vals6(3) = 24 vals1(3) = 86 I tried some tricks with no good results : ( Public Sub zi_() Dim zile(6) As String Dim z As Date Dim zs As New TimeSpan For day As Integer = 0 To 6 z = Date.Now zs = zs.FromDays(day) z = z.Subtract(zs) zile(day) = Format(z, "dd") Next Dim month_1 As String Dim year_1 As String Dim ext As String = ".doz" Dim cale As String = "doze\" month_1 = Format(Now, "MM") year_1 = Format(Now, "yyyy") cale_finala = cale + zile(0) + month_1 + year_1 + ext Dim sr1 As New System.IO.StreamReader(cale_finala) Dim Line1 As Object Dim space1 As Object = " " Dim enter1 As Object Line1 = sr1.ReadToEnd sr1.Close() vals1 = Line1.Split(space1) End Sub thanks
  20. me again... Stress is here once again� After I made my dynamic charts for viewing my static data with last 7 days and last six months, now is time to load real data into the charts. I write a code for loading the file for current day and have no idea how to load the previous day, and so on... I have in my root application all the values for data for each day. In my chart I have day columns and I need to put the values from each file. Ex: File for current day: 24102003.txt File for previous day: 23102003.txt � Etc for all seven days The code: Dim day As String Dim month As String Dim year As String Dim ext As String = ".txt" day = Format(Now, "dd") month = Format(Now, "MM") year = Format(Now, "yyyy") Dim sr1 As New System.IO.StreamReader(day + month + year + ext) Dim Line1 As Object Dim space1 As Object = " " Dim enter1 As Object Line1 = sr1.ReadToEnd sr1.Close() vals = Line1.Split(space1) TextBox1.Text = vals(3) + vbCrLf + vals(5) + vbCrLf + vals(7) I tried to load other file "23102003.txt" by subtracting the day value with one, two, three...but is not working. Can't subtract from string. Any ideas?
  21. This is what I want The label appears with mouse enter for each red picture. 1. The normal label when the red picture in in center 2. The label overlap the max sizes because is to close to the max size 3. The label like I what to appear. I made this with some functions calling parameters, bla bla..but is quite harder and lot's of code lines. I want to know if it is a simple way like a property of the label to make resize himself when is to close to max size.
  22. Hi. I will try that code later... but it is possible to set something like margins for a label? For ex I want to set the maximum area for displaying the label with 850x650 . If the label want to overlap the maximum area, that label to resize himself or repositioning in a way to not overlap the margins of the main area. later edit: done with a function.
  23. Hi. I have a little problem here. I want to know if a server is online. Actually ...I want to know if a URL is visible or not. Ex. If URL = "visible" then Code 1�. Else Code 2�. Any ideas will be appreciated... thanks ps. I can use the ping control but is not for free ..so.... :(
  24. Hi to all. It is a way to check the webcontrol if is connected to a webpage? I have this application, with a hidden webcontrol for some checking purposes. If this app is loading I whant to see if that url is loaded in my hidden webcontrol.If the connection is down, a msgbox will open to tell me that. Maybe I will put a timer to check every 5 min that web page. Is just a test to see if my conncection to a server is up or not. Thanks
  25. I tried to make a bidimensional array to put some values like this : Dim sr As New System.IO.StreamReader("ace.txt") Dim vals() As Object Dim Line As Object Line = sr.ReadToEnd vals = Line.Split("," & vbCrLf) sr.Close() text file is like this: 1,158 2,258 3,689 4,489 5,789 I whant this: TextBox1.Text = vals(1)(2) to return 158 TextBox1.Text = vals(3)(2) to return 689 etc... but..it seams not to work...
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