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Everything posted by kaisersoze

  1. I have a datagrid, the data grid clontains these columns and data is fed by datareader from database. Columns: from time, and to time, diffTime, Quantiy, Price, total. difftime and total are calculation fields. difftime = fromtime - totime and total = quantity * Price. how to do?
  2. Hi can any one know or is there a control for timeselector. It should open as a layer and not as a popup. simmilaryly dateselector also.
  3. I have a third party timecontrol. It is working fine when placed on a .aspx page. but it is not working when it is placed on an ascx file and then register that control on aspx page. it is looking for an object "txtfield". Is there any way i can do this... or am i missing anything
  4. thanks for speed reply. It should like this: No of columns depend on days of that month for example: 1 to 15 and 15 to end of month for each date there may or may not be a value in the database. If there is value then should display in its appropriate date place. Date row is the header and each col should be hyperlink. when clicked on a particular hyperlink then entire information of that date should be shown in th datagrid below. any suggestion please
  5. how to generate dynamically columns depening on the ouput of the datareader. In classic asp i used to generate columns in do loop of recordset. can some help me with code
  6. Hi all, I kept a datagrid in one panel. User can enter a new enter and click on save. everything works fine. But, a soos as the user clicks on refresh after saving, a duplicate record is insereted. Basically whats happeneing is previous event is fired again. but I dont want that to happen. is there a way to do.
  7. This part of code is written on a click event of a menu. Dim obj_frmSearch As New frmSearch() obj_frmSearch.MdiParent = Me obj_frmSearch.Show() Everytime I click on the same menu a new instance is created and a form is loaded on the old form. Is there a way to do like this: If the form is not creatyed then create and show else if it is already created then bring (show) that form on the top. Please...
  8. Hi all I have a set of radiolists. For the first time the radiolist is unseleected. Then, when I select and save i need to clear all objects on that form,, so that the user selects again. but i am not able to clear radiobuttons. Strict requirments are unselect all radiobuttons so thet the user selects all there should be no defaults. please help
  9. this works only if there database value is present in the radiolist. If a null value is inserted into the database and when you use optgender.items.findbyvalue(vreader("gender")).selected=true it is/will give you an error: object reference not set to an instance ... ... ... you get the same error when trying to do with list box and dropdown box also.
  10. Is it possible to have a web frames like window on a desktop apllication. eg. like: left panel and right panel. User clicks on left panel and a new form is loaded on to the right panel. we can do this with frames. but I it going be very big as I have approximately 100 links or buttons in the left panel. Can someone help me _ in windows forms.
  11. I am working on Edit/modify screen, So the user can modify the content from what has been already saved to the database. So, I have few list boxes and radiolists. 1. with radiolist say, male M and female F. If M/F is already selected and saved to the database. how can I populate the datafrom the data base when the user whats to modify. I am getting error if I say optGender.selecteditem.value = vreader("Gender") --------------
  12. I have a form, it has many buttons and on click of each button I open a crystal report. Each crystal report acceots different set of parameters, few 1 or few 3 parameters. For now I am calling separate sub for each report and passing the parameters. Can any one help me out in: how to write a general procedure which will accept an array of parameters and in the procedure depending on the index of the array it should dynamically assign the parameters to the report. I did this in VB6 with CR8.5. I am trying to do the same but it doesnt like the way i code.
  13. I got it vShowReports.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent thanks anyway
  14. I am working on desktop application. I have a question? I have one MDIParent and I am able to load child calling from mdiparent. but, when I am calling a child from another child i get an error. can some one help me how to call the one mdichild form within another mdichild (on a clickevent of a button) and load in the same mdiparent.
  15. yes. the drodown has all the values, text from the database. but when you try to select a listing from the database and if the listing is not in the dropdown you get the error. I will paste the code also for review.
  16. I know an alternate- do until reader.read = false dim vNewItem as new ListItem vNewItem.text = reader("col2") & " " & reader("col3") vNewItem.value = reader("col1") lstClient.items.add(vNewItem) loop but can someone have another way to do.
  17. I am using listbox, I am populating the data from the database. It is working fine if I use lstClient.datasource = vdatasource lstClient.datatextfield = "LName" lstClient.datavaluefield = "CID" lstClient.databid() but I need to show clients firstname and last name in the list box. When I concatinated and moved to datatextfield I get an error. is there a way I can implement this. lstClient.datatextfield = "FName" & " " & "LName"
  18. "forum.SelectedValue.ToString()" or "forum.SelectedItem.value.ToString()" is generating error when trying to display the user from the database. one can suppress the error by error handling but anyone have an answer or is it only me who is getting this error. To generate this error follw this: 1. Select a value and save to the database from a drop downlist. 2. Try to show the use what he has selected from the database (should work fine) 3. then change manually the value in the database (this value should not be in the dropdownlist) error is generated : specified argument was out of the range of valid values. paramet name: 'blah blah'
  19. "forum.SelectedValue.ToString()" is generating error when trying to display the user from the database. one can suppress the error by error handling but anyone have an answer or is it only me who is getting this error. To generate this error follw this: 1. Select a value and save to the database from a drop downlist. 2. Try to show the use what he has selected from the database (should work fine) 3. then change manually the value in the database (this value should not be in the dropdownlist) error is generated : specified argument was out of the range of valid values. paramet name: 'blah blah'
  20. I am using Visual studio 2003 ASP.net application. I see red error line next to many html tags and the same error message for everone error: The active schema does not support the element 'HTML' The active schema does not support the element 'meta' but when i compile I have no problem in compilation but red error still stays. and some times when a compiled version is compiled again I get error, when recomplied the error goes away.
  21. but haw to call the property of usercontrol2 in usercontrol1 on a click event
  22. I have two user controls in one aspx page in one usercontrol: I have a listbox and when user clicks on the user control then I need to quesry the database and show all informtion of the selected value in the second user control. is it posible.
  23. Hi I need to develop crystal reports with crystal report that comes with visual studio.net. My part of contract is only to develop reports and not the front end of it, so i just need to send .rpt files and its .vb file (at most). So, is there a way that I can create crystal reports and connet to oracle databse with �Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle� and not with a data source name (ODBC). I was successfull in developing reports using dsn (odbc) but I am trying to develop using �Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle�. thanks in advance.
  24. How to align radiobutton list horizontally? I have 3 radio buttons in a list, by default the always align one below other and consumes more space. I want to align them horizontally. please ...
  25. how to change a value of a column in a datagrid depending on the database column value. That is: I have a column in database whose vaue is always 0, 1 or 2. When I databind, the table to datagrid, a column shows 0,1 or 2 depening on the table column. I want to show differently. Say, if col1= 0 then "Active" if col1 = 1 then "Inactive" if col1 = 2 then "Not activated"
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