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Everything posted by kaisersoze

  1. How to get the path of the virtual directory ?
  2. it is a dotnet application, I have a parent frame and child frame. I have a button called "open as new window" on parent frame. when user clicks on that button, the child frame from should open in new window. Can any one help me...
  3. Hi all I have two usercontrols. One usercontrol has imagebuttons serves as menu and a placeholder. On click of each imagebutton I am loading its appropriate Usercontrol in the plaseholder. Most of the usercontrols have datagrid, on click of an editbutton in datagrid the page refreshes but control flow (in break mode) doesnot go to datagrid_itemcommand. but when clicked again on the same editbutton, the control (during break mode) flow goes to datagrid_itemcommand. Same happens for all usercontrols. please respond if anyone found this while coding.... Note: when usercontrol code placed in .aspx page everything works as it is suppose to work, so the code is correct.
  4. how can i have scrollbar in datalist or datagrid? I need to show on datagrid/datalist for height=300, and a scroollbar if the there are more entries.
  5. i tried it is not working on this line the error is: stylesheet.Attributes.Add("href", "styles.css") how to declare the stylesheet in code behind.
  6. Hi all How to change stylesheet during runtime? I have a web application with 3 type of users. depening on the use role, i should a .css file. If there a way i can do that in .net. I did this in classic asp it was cake walk but here not yet. any feedback i appreciated.
  7. is there a way i can top this or constantly cache so that performance does not go down.
  8. i moved my site to test server. very often, if there are no hits to the database then, initial loading is taking more time. It looks like IIS is compling periodically if there is no hits to the site is idle for some time. did anyone noticed that... (i use windows 2000 server)
  9. my design is like this... it is like a portal, so i have only one aspx page and rest is ascx controls. so depening on the click of menu, i load an appropriate ascx control in the placeholder. initially i used to send the control name in querystring, and do a request(object) and load the control. but sending as querysrting, i need to check whether the user has access to that control or not and then load. which i what i am doing now. but if we can post values from page, then i thought i can reduse some database hits. i will post if i find some findings....
  10. yes i have few postbacks in page 2. But, in my case it is not going for the first time itself. here is the code.... <a href="javascript:jfGoto('~/UCCSControls/UCCS.aspx')"><img id="img" alt="test"></a> ..... ..... <script language=javascript> function jfGoto(vMe) { ...... (here i move some values into hidden text fields) ...... document.Form1.method = "post"; document.Form1.action = vMe; document.Form1.submit(); } </script>
  11. any feedback is appreciated
  12. Hi I know similar question has appeared manytimes, but i have few more questions... My clients requirement is, no to querystring, no sessions, no cookies. I need to use only post method to send data from one page to another page. User information is stored in page.user object, so we can retreive whenever we want as long as the session is not expired. but, on click event of image buttons in the menu i need to post few values (property number, block, lot, etc. total 6 fields). In classic asp i used to hold these values in a hidden text box and post it. I was trying to do the same by writing javascript code. I am getting a view state error "The viewstate is invalid for this page and might be corrupted" if i redirect it works, but if i submit using javascript i get the above error. Is there any other way for posting the data between page. and did anyone get the above error.
  13. Hi how to call a javascript function, on a click event of a imagebutton?
  14. Hi I have 2 usercontrol (uc1, uc2). Functionality of uc1 is: it searches the database of different criterias. The result is shown in a datagrid on the same usercontrol (uc1). uc1 is pleaced inside uc2. When user searches and selects the product from search results I need to pass the selected value to uc2 and retrive all information depening on that search criteria. can we do this... remember uc2 loads uc1.
  15. yes i am using linkbutton and response.redirect, but you will be seeing the the values in the querystring (i mean in the URL). I load usercontols depending on the tabid and index which are passed by response.redirect (for now), by doing this the user can key in the url and see the managers pages. I check credentials but once he logons on and thentype the url he is in. I found a round about by checking at every page whether he is having access to that page or not. I dont know why i dont like response.redirect and user seeing the values in the url after question mark. may be i am wrong but ....
  16. Hi In Classic ASP: On Click events of links I used to call a javascript function and in the javascript function, I used to post the page to an appropriated page depending on the link. Is there a way I can do that in ASP.net, I dont want to send values in querystring as i do now. and is there a way to post a page from code behind.
  17. Hi In my app, a dropdownlist is dynamically populated and user can add new list also. everythime user inserts it is appending in the end. Is there a way (property) that sorts automatically.
  18. Hi I am working on a product which connects to sql server database presently. But, there is a possibility of some clients may choose oracle or back-end. All the database connections are done in one class module only. So, when ever I need a datareader I send a sql to a method and the method returns a datareader. So, where ever i request a datareader I am declaring sqldatareader for now, but if i move to oracle I need to change that code to oracledatareader. Is there a way to handle this with minmm change so that testingwold be reduced by half.
  19. thanks for speed reply well i am working on an intranet application. and one of the requirement is to show company news on right hand side. The user can close or open the news frame (like portal). I was seeing Search, favorites and recently I installed yahoo messenger, as soon as i installed it created an icon on the ie and when you click on that messenger opened on the leht hand side. I want to do something like that. To answer your question: I think yes for now.
  20. hi all I need to create something like on internet exlorer, when you click on search on the menu, on the browser, the page splits vertically and a search page is loaded on the left handside. I need to do something similar. Can Anyone help me...or how is it possible
  21. can any one let me know how to do a domodal type form in asp.net. User clicks on a button, a modal form should open with list of values from a table, when user picks or selects one, then the form should close and the selected one should be populate in the textbox of the parent page.
  22. I have a user control and it has 3 imagebuttons: Clear, save and delete. I loaded dynamically the usercontrol into a default.aspx page. during runtime everything is loading fine . But, when I click on save button on the user control the controlflow is not going to the click event of the button in the user control. and page is reloaded. what is the i am missing
  23. I have usercontrol on an aspx page. The user control has few label controls and data is filled from database during Page_Load event of the .ascx usercontol. I called this user control on an .aspx page. During the Page_load event of the .aspx I am trying to access the label.text and text1.text values. Since the page load first and then the usercontrol I am not able to access the usercontrol variables. Is there a way I can load user control and then proceed with other contols.
  24. Hi I have a user control and I am placing that user control on an .aspx page. How can I access the Textbox or label on the usercontrol without writing a property that returns the label or textbox. Is there a way like this: dim v1 as string = ctype(me.parent.findcotrol("label1", Label).text I am getting error
  25. Hi I have an asp.net project developed in Visual Studio. Is main version v1.n.n. The same project is being customised to many clients and so every client gets one version number (v1, v2,...). Internally we want to keep one name but different versions. If we create a project in Visual studio say, ProjectV1 all the asp.aspx pages inherit ProjectV1.asppage. So, if I want to make a small change to one aspx page, and I want to complie only that page and not the entire project is it possible with visual studio. In classic asp i never had this problem as there was no need to complie and it was easy to change and give it to the new client. Some one please help me how to do.
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