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Everything posted by kaisersoze

  1. Someone give some or any input. Someone give some or any input. please
  2. How to deploy web services on https server? I manually copied all files and created a Virtual directory (VD) and pointed the VD to the physical location. I am able to see the methods on https://myws/page1.asmx. But, when i click on any method, and clickon invoke button, the page takes me to page not found and link changes to http://myws/page1.asmx/method1. Can any one troubleshoot
  3. In VS 2005 windows application. How to auto increment revision everything I complie?
  4. it worked... Actually it worked using Create Table .... and oledb for now. I will test for some time and confirm. Data types: 1. OLE Object = Binary 2. Double = Number 3. Text = text 4. Memo = Memo 5. Yes/No = Bit rest is same.
  5. If i use OleDB then I cannot create Columns with memo and ole datatype.
  6. I am able to create a table using ADOX, but not able to change the property of each column. By default all the columns have Required=Yes. but I want to change it to No. Please let me know how to do?
  7. how to add a Calendar Event programatically from a form? Example, go to the below link, register and after register you will get a link "Add a reminder to your calendar for this event " when you click on this it automatically set a reminder.: http://msevents.microsoft.com/cui/WebCastEventDetails.aspx?EventID=1032277935&EventCategory=4&culture=en-US&CountryCode=US
  8. hello, how do I add a picture in datagrid and some text should follow the pciture? Please
  9. How to disable fiew items and enable fiew items based on a fireld value in Listview?
  10. by saying controlbox = false, it works but i see blue title bar. the user can move the form by clicking on the titlebar. one of the goal is to stop user from moving the form while it is loading.
  11. how to create a form without blue bar on the top. I can say windowstyle as none. but if i say like that the window becomes flat. The window should show some shadow (as in regular form).
  12. I need a button to work as push button. that is, when I click once the button should be down & open a form and when I click again on the same button , the button should come up and form should desappear. I got the form work but the button works normal button. can anyone help me how to keep the button down?
  13. How to have multicolumn in a treeview. node column should be the first column.
  14. i need to have a treeview in the first column and when use expands the node, I should display the contents. can any one help. Is there a rich grid control for windows .net application.
  15. hello, how do i show two forms simultaneously. First one should load first. second form should load after database connetion and check for user settings locally, is the local settings are older than2 weeks then second form should load. once the user selects and clicks on ok button, form2 should hide and continue with other settings of form1.
  16. how to open .html by launching internet explorer in winforms
  17. How to move complete row up or down in datagrid or any grid is fine.
  18. How to have an Image in Context Menu. Please
  19. a1 and a2 have same structure, but a1 has more records than a2. so, in order to find out how many records are missing in a2 the below query works. but is there a way to write the below query using joins. Select * from a1 where stoptime not in (select stoptime from a2) please
  20. i am doing that. but i dont think that is the right way.
  21. Hello I created an MDI form. I placed a label (welcome message on the form). when I load new forms inside mdi form (child forms). The label is seen over the shild form. which properti should i change to make label seen only on mdi form.
  22. hello AlexCode Which control will solve my problem can i you send some examples/
  23. Yes I am trying using another form with borderles. but, when user clicks outside the form it should hide just as in start button.
  24. Hello all, I need to do something like a start button on task bar. User clicks on start button and a menu should open just like windows start button and programs. Please give me your expertise
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