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Everything posted by apanjocko

  1. another tip is forgetting about directdraw and usem direct3d for hardware accelerated line drawing bet you could draw thousands on your old gfx card and still maintain framerate :)
  2. sorry ... well then, can't you pre-draw all lines to a buffer before and render the whole buffer in one go? or does the lines differe every time?
  3. unless the code specifically sleep()s or does something of an idle loop, this is what happens (100% cpu). look at any game, it will consume 100% cpu even if you turn down all the details. in order to make it take less cpu, you have to implement FIXED FRAMERATE. that is, you go idle if you are too fast.
  4. thanks, i've seen something like that. i'll take a look at it.
  5. i'm now creating the texture with Texture.FromBitmap so i can analyse the contents in the Bitmap itself before creating the texture. this eliminates question 1 and 2! :)
  6. ok he has now downloaded the 9.0b runtime and it still doesn't work. it's obvious that he LACKS the managed direct 9 dll's. i found those in the directx 9 dev-runtime download from microsoft's site but as he is not a developper where does he find a download for that? thanks.
  7. yes, he has the 1.1 .net framwork. are you sure about the .dll's? where can i find these? it seems ridiculus that you have to ship all the unmanaged directx dll's with the game. where can you read about that? thanks :)
  8. i have yet to see a computer lacking software renderer
  9. do you mean turn on the UnManaged debugging in the Project Properties/Debugging menu?
  10. i found it for ya! http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20010713/dickinson_01.htm really readworthy! :)
  11. i HAVE to agree with Optikal here. I have to spoil everyones fun here even if this IS an OK way to do it the current "state-of-the-art" way is to do a deterministic game-loop using "time-frames" or should i call it "time-step-based" game-loop that allows for unlimited fps but same speed on all computers. you basically every time the loop goes around you update the game-state in loops of X milliseconds. so on a slow computer 42 milliseconds passed since last loop, and you have physics and everything on 10ms, you loop while 10*X<42 and save the last 2 fot next loop. i have read an article on this on gamasutra (have no link sorry, and you have to register) and i HIGHLY recommend people that are intreseted in this to read up on it. thanks :) i love this topic it's very intreseting.
  12. thank you for reading this. i'm currently using direct3d for 2d graphics and are having different kinds of small problems. 1. i am loading graphics for my sprites using the Direct3D.TextureLoader.FromFile method, and gathering information from the file, like width and height, using the Direct3D.TextureLoader.ImageInformationFromFile. i assume there must be a better way to do this than to read the file physically twice. i can't find the information in the texture. 2. i would like to get a hold of the pixel data inside the texture to be able to [1] scan the picture to find its _actual_ size rather than the 2^x texture size and [2] do pixel perfect collision detection. where is the data hidden? 3. the little game runs fine on my computer (directx9.0b) but does not run at all at my friends computer (directx9.0a). it doesn't even enter the main method as all exceptions are catched and none are apparently thrown. just a standard windows error of some sort. anyone knows what this is related to? a/b? EDIT: he has no developping libraries as i do. thank you plenty apanjocko
  13. no, even tried the registry thing and it didn't work for me either. surely some whacky sh#t going on :)
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