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Everything posted by VisualDeveloper

  1. Well, it looks like im gonna be busy for the next few months now. I'll start with a web project, maybe an online bookshop for a fictious company. I do have a keen interest in web development but I'm not really that creative when it comes to web design.
  2. What technologies do you people think are in demand at the moment, and what languages/technologies are looking hot for the future?
  3. Two great primary books for learning VB.NET are: 1. WROX Beginning VB.NET 2. WROX Professional VB.NET
  4. Well, it just happens that both large and small companies are still requesting experience. There aren't any internships down where I live, London, UK, and the only option I seem to have is start creating a solid personal portfolio with example database applications. What do you think my portfolio should contain? Thanks, Shuaib
  5. Why am I finding it so hard to break into the IT industry? I have been applying to so many junior positions but I just happen to be stuck in the vicious cycle - "No Experience? No Job! - No Job? No Experience!" What shall I do now? :( Thanks, Shuaib
  6. Had trouble attaching a word document so I had to resort to zipping it.
  7. Hi, Do employers look at personal experience of using software development languages and tools, or is commercial experience the only thing that counts? I've been updating my CV today, and then thought wether you people could take a look and give any advice? NOTE: Address at the top has been changed for obvious reasons. :D Thanks. cv.zip
  8. As you are a new programmer, you can continue working with VB.NET, but I would highly recommend that you read the book Complete Idiot's Guide to a Career in Computer Programming by Jesse Liberty Good luck, Shuaib
  9. Well, I'm on the road to learning Visual C# .NET so I need to head down to my local bookshop and check out some good Visual C# titles from WROX.
  10. With Visual C# .NET, can I visually create dynamic tables by simply selecting connections and commands or do I still have to hand code like the old ASP way such as:<%= MyRecordset.Fields("MyField").Value %>?
  11. I personally prefer Brinkster's web hosting solution. The free account also includes the use of ASP.NET in your web application.
  12. Hi, Is it possible for instance to create an application that can send a text message to a mobile phone with dymanic data from a database? What is the so-called Mobile Internet Toolkit? Cheers, Shuaib
  13. I don't really like that minimum length of characters in search terms set to 4. I sometimes find the need to search for 3-letter words and it won't let me. :( Regards, Shuaib
  14. Hi, I am confused to what the MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine) is used for? I previously used Microsoft SQL Server 2000 occassionally for my VB6 database applications. But how does MSDE compare to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 in the .NET environment? Thanks, Shuaib
  15. Cool! I wasn't aware of the events button on the properties window. Up until now, I've always used the code window and it's object/procedure drop-down menus to get into the various event handlers. Thanks, Shuaib
  16. Is Wrox - Beginning Visual C# a good book? http://www.wrox.com/images/lg-covers/1861007582.gif See ya, Shuaib
  17. Thanks for your help Robby. I found the problem to be with my default home page. My home page was named Index.asp, but IIS was currently configured to only accept Default.asp, Default.Htm, IISStart.asp etc. So I simply modified the default document list to include the file title Index.asp as a possible default page and now my site is up and running again. Cheers, Shuaib
  18. I've been looking into the so-called "Try...Catch" statement this afternoon! Is there any way my program below could be improved or optimized? using System; namespace Calculator { class CCalculator { [sTAThread] //application entry point static void Main(string[] args) { //local variables int Num1 = 0; int Num2 = 0; bool Num1OK = false; bool Num2OK = false; //welcome message Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Calculator 1.0"); while (Num1OK == false) { try { //request first number Console.Write("Number 1: "); Num1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //input for first number is valid Num1OK = true; } catch (Exception E) { //display error information Console.WriteLine("Error: " + E.Message); } } while (Num2OK == false) { try { //request first number Console.Write("Number 2: "); Num2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //input for first number is valid Num2OK = true; } catch (Exception E) { //display error information Console.WriteLine("Error: " + E.Message); } } //display result Console.WriteLine("Total: " + AddNumbers(Num1, Num2)); //finish Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.Read(); } //function for adding two numbers static int AddNumbers(int Number1, int Number2) { //add numbers and return result return (Number1 + Number2); } } }Cheers, Shuaib
  19. In my simple program (console application) below, I am requesting two integer values and then simply using the AddNumbers() function to return the result. However, the lines of code "Num1 = Console.ReadLine();" and ""Num2 = Console.ReadLine();" produce a build error reporting that it cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'int'. using System; namespace Calculator { class CCalculator { [sTAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { //local variables int Num1; int Num2; //welcome message Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Calculator 1.0"); //request first number Console.Write("Number 1: "); Num1 = Console.ReadLine(); //request second number Console.Write("Number 2: "); Num2 = Console.ReadLine(); //display result Console.WriteLine("Total: " + AddNumbers(Num1, Num2)); //finish Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.Read(); } static int AddNumbers(int Number1, int Number2) { //add numbers and return result return (Number1 + Number2); } } }Thanks in advance... Shuaib
  20. Hi, What is the ideal language to use for windows & web development using Visual Studio .NET and the .NET framework? Which of the languages provides good power and flexibility to use all the available features of the .NET framework (Web Services, SOAP, ASP.NET, ADO.NET)? Also, I am currently working on a web project for someone using standard Active Server Pages (ASP 3.0) with VBScript & ADO. I am running Windows XP Professional and IIS 5.0 and I have created the required virtual directory named CueCoach linking to "C:\Inetpub\CueCoach", but whenever I visit "http://localhost/CueCoach", IIS 5.0 reports back saying I am not allowed to view the page requested with the creditals provided. My web project was working correctly when I was using Windows 2000 Professional and Personal Web Server (PWS). Please help... Thanks Shuaib
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