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Everything posted by pendragon

  1. You could use the RemoveAt option, something like this... Me.ListView1.Items.RemoveAt(Me.ListView1.SelectedItems.Item(0).Index)
  2. I have a program that asks the user for a date and then returns a recordset of Orders that have an order date greater than or equal to the date entered. In the SQL Startement I have 'WHERE OrderDate >= ' & UserDate, this does not work . Can anyone tell me what the SQL statement should be. Thanks
  3. I didn't think about seting page margins, will give it a try. Thanks
  4. http://www.wrox.com is still there and you can still download code
  5. I agree, a lot of my problems at the moment are related to Crystal reports
  6. I have a report that needs to be printed to non standard size paper, pre-printed statements 8.5 x 8 in, is there any way to set the paper size in crystal reports to use that paper length, if not how do you do it with the reportdocument class. Thanks
  7. Try This MsgBox("Hello " & txtName.Text & vbCrLf & "Hello From Visual Basic.NET", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Hello User Message")
  8. Here's the code I use Dim otextObject As TextObject otextObject = crReportDocument.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects.Item("Text1") otextObject.Text = "New Text "
  9. I was wondering if the dll files you are trying to reference are one's that you have created as I had a similar problem. I got so frustrated with it that I contacted microsoft support and was told by them that instead of referencing the dll's I should add the projects to the program I was writing and then add a reference to them that way.
  10. Nerseus I agree, a-b-c should equal 0, but it is during the a-b that things go wrong and can only assume that there must be more than one way for 37.62 to be represented in base 2 hex, just in the same way that 37.62 - 37 does not equal .62 but .619999999999997. I did try to find a way of looking at how it was being stored but am no where near being an expect at vb.net yet so could find nothing. If anybody out there does know of a way then I would love to know just to satisfy my curiosity of what is going on Thanks
  11. In theory yes both a and c are the same, at least when I look at them with a message box but as a has already had a calculation done on it then the binary fig. may not be. As you might be able to tell I have been doing a bit more research on this and have spent half the day reading tech papers on the IEEE standard. I think I agree with PlausiblyDamp and will use decimal variable types as I only need 4 decimal points. Thank you for your replys
  12. I am a little confused as to how double type variables are handled and hope someone can explain to me what is happening. The problem breaks down to this I have 3 doubles defined and there values are as follows a = 52.77, b = 15.15 and c = 37.62 I first do a -= b and show the result for a in a message box, It equals 37.62 I then do a -= c and show the result for a in a message box, but instead of a equaling 0 it equals 7.105427357601e-15 If I do a = math.round(a - b,2) or change them from doubles to decimals then it is ok I was just wondering why??
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