I am having a few stange programs with my vs.net 2003 and was wondering if any body else has had them, and knew how to get rid of them.
1) Every now and then vs.net will add a '~' after the End Class of a program, this then makes vs say that there are missing controls in the code, if you then look at the designer the controls have vanished. I can only remove the '~' by deleteing then End Class Line but after putting it back in everything comes back.
2) I also sometimes get error messages saying that subs don't exist, variables not declared etc. When they are. Close vs and go back in and all is ok.
3) VS sometimes moves the order of my Tab Pages around and I have to put it back by editing the designer generated code not by changing on the form.
If anyone has any Ideas I would be grateful as these problems are begining to bug me. :confused: