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Everything posted by pendragon

  1. sAccountno = sAccountno.replace(Chr(0), "") worked on my test program.
  2. PlausiblyDamp beat me to it, If there is a null at the end of sAccountno anything to the right of it will be lost. :D
  3. Are you just tring to clear the items from the listview, if so you want to do listview.items.clear. listview.clear will remove the column details so you have to re-set them.
  4. To show a form Dim YourForm as New Form2 YourForm.Show To Hide Me.Hide
  5. This is what I do Me.TextBox1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 24)
  6. :confused: Strange :confused: Unless I am missing something can't see why it does not work, (although it does clear if you press the button twice) I got it to clear If I also did ComboBox1.SelectedItem = Nothing
  7. I think rep is the name of your report object, in your case CrystalReport12. To set a selection formula :-CrystalReport12.RecordSelectionFormula = "{TableName.Field} = ..."
  8. Is the code shown above in the same order as your program, If it is then it looks like you are setting txtFinalGrade.text to FinalGrade before you have calculated FinalGrade, also where is testScore being set. By the way I couldn't look at the picture that you attached, it says page not found.
  9. When I was learning ADO I think I read somewhere that if you are using a non-dynamic cursor then recordset.movelast should update the recordcount to the correct number of records, but as Robby says a dynamic cusors should return the correct number.
  10. yourrecordset.recordcount
  11. Thank you for your replay Hog and no they have not fixed it in VS 2003, I will just have to put up with it.
  12. I am having a few stange programs with my vs.net 2003 and was wondering if any body else has had them, and knew how to get rid of them. 1) Every now and then vs.net will add a '~' after the End Class of a program, this then makes vs say that there are missing controls in the code, if you then look at the designer the controls have vanished. I can only remove the '~' by deleteing then End Class Line but after putting it back in everything comes back. 2) I also sometimes get error messages saying that subs don't exist, variables not declared etc. When they are. Close vs and go back in and all is ok. 3) VS sometimes moves the order of my Tab Pages around and I have to put it back by editing the designer generated code not by changing on the form. If anyone has any Ideas I would be grateful as these problems are begining to bug me. :confused:
  13. Where have you got the code to start the random generation of numbers? If i call a sub that changes label1.text in sub main I get an error, only get the error you have if i have a very large number in label1.text
  14. I tried your code in a simple program and it worked ok, the only way I got an error was when lable1.text was not a whole number (Input string was not in correct format) What does label1.text show when you get the error
  15. I do somrthing similar, but I but the code in the SelectedIndexChanged event of the tabcontrol
  16. You could pass a ref for the form to your now one and then re-enable it when you quit or use frmName.ShowDialog, this will disable the first form untill you close the new form
  17. I had the same problem, It went away when I upgraded to VS.NET 2003
  18. It is still there and can be added to the tool box, but it is a com component and not a .NET framework component.
  19. Forgot to add that you might want to check the help on the cultureinfo property as microsoft always says that 'Manipulating threads is dangerous' and I wouldn'y want you to mess up your program.
  20. Don't know if there is an easier way of doing it but this shoud work. You need the following imports Imports System.Globalization Imports System.Threading then Dim dDate As Date Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New CultureInfo("en-US") dDate = CDate(YourDateString) Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New CultureInfo("en-GB") dDate should now be English
  21. I think its pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True
  22. Sorted. You have to use the DateValue Function in the sql statement so that it takes into account the International settings
  23. You Could try the Split function or string.split method. This allows you to set a DELIMITER for it to work on, I used a ';' to get over the ',' problem. Don't know if it will handle 1400 fields but it might be worth a go. Search for string.split in the help for examples.
  24. Forgot to say that the search with a start and end date returned nothing Thanks
  25. Sorry, a bit more info would be a good idea as 'this does not work' doesn't really say much. To start I am still using ADO 2.7 as not had time to fully learn ADO.NET yet, I also use the Microsoft Masked Edit Control to ask for the dates. I have an access database with orders in it for this year, and I build the SQL statement my self. The Code looks like this sSQL = "SELECT * FROM POPHeader WHERE POPOrdDate >= " & me.mebStartDate.CtlText & " ORDER BY POPOrdNo" this gives me 'SELECT * FROM POPHeader WHERE POPOrdDate >= 31/01/2003 ORDER BY POPOrdNo' What I get returned are all the orders in the file, when I started to write this I was asking for a Start & End date that looked like this sSQL = "SELECT * FROM POPHeader WHERE POPOrdDate >= " & me.mebStartDate.CtlText & " AND POPOrdDate <= " & me.mebEndDate.CtlText & " ORDER BY POPOrdNo" This gives me 'SELECT * FROM POPHeader WHERE POPOrdDate >= 01/01/2003 AND POPOrdate <= 31/01/2003 ORDER BY POPOrdNo' If I put single quotes in I get the following error An unhandled exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in microsoft.visualbasic.dll Additional information: Data type mismatch in criteria expression. Any Help would be appreciated Thanks
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