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Everything posted by pendragon

  1. As Wile says disable multiselect then in your click event for the listview you can use YourListView.SelectedItems[0].Text or YourListView.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text to get the information from the line they clicked.
  2. Thnaks, good to know its not my browser
  3. I have started to get the following error message quite often on this forum (the last time was when I tried to post this new thread :) ) There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser. An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists. We apologise for any inconvenience. Just wondering if it is something to do with my browser or is anyone else getting it?
  4. It would be nice if Crystal reports came back with a better error ie Sub report not Found :rolleyes: O'Well can't have everything Glad to be of help
  5. crReportDocument.OpenSubreport("Report Name").Database.Tables[0].SetDataSource(dataset2); [/Code]
  6. EFileTahi-A you are going to love this one. I have been trying to do this for ages and finally found a solution. Don't know if there is another way to do this so if anyone else can suggest something I would also like to know. What you need to do is create 3 formula's, one to be the running total, one to clear it and one to display it. I got this out of a book I have found. Running total Formula (This needs to go in your details section, I Suppressed it) WhilePrintingRecords; CurrencyVar Amount; Amount := Amount + {Your Field}; Clear total Formula (This needs to go in the page header section, again it is suppressed) WhilePrintingRecords; CurrencyVar Amount := 0; Display total Formula (This goes in the page footer) WhilePrintingRecords; CurrencyVar Amount; I have the running totals for the report printed in the report footer, the problem with this is that you get a page total and a running total on the last page. Hopes this helps
  7. Another way to do it is tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabControl1.TabPages[0]; [/Code]
  8. The following link has a free EBook that can be downloaded. http://www.crystalreportsbook.com/default.asp
  9. Thanks Denaes, I think I will get the books. I have also found a company that does online training but they give you access to all the Microsoft & Cissco course so if I get it done quickly then I can do other ones as well.
  10. Hi all Having fun trying to figure out how best to study for MCSD. Are books Like Microsoft�s MCAD/MCSD Self Paced Training Kit: NET Core Requirements any good? Can anyone recommend a decent set? Or should I just bite the bullet and buy one of the Computer based training kits that are out there and do it that way. All comments would be gratefully appreciated as this could turn out to be VERY expensive Thank You
  11. EFileTahi-A I have had no end of problems printing on different size paper with cyrstal reports, the following is a link to a thread with one way I managed to get it working. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=89225 You way be able to just setup a new printer and change its defaults to A5 and then but the following code in the viewer load event crReportDocument.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "Your Printer Name"; crReportDocument.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.DefaultPaperSize; [/Code] If anyone else has an answer I would also be glad to hear
  12. I also think this is a good idea, when I started to learn .NET I ended up buying loads of books half of which I don't use because they where no good for what I wanted. Standard subject lines would make it easier to find what you want or maybe have it the same as the Syntax Specific section and have sub-sections for each type.
  13. EFileTahi-A You can use the RecordSelectionFormula crReportDocument.RecordSelectionFormula = "{A_Table.Field_In_Table} = Something "; [/Code] You can also create your own data tables with just the information you want and then tell CR where to get the data. [Code] crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].SetDataSource(A Table); [/Code]
  14. EFileTahi-A Yes I am using DateTime Fields. This is the string I have been testing with SELECT * FROM POPHeader WHERE POPDate >= DateValue('31/12/2003') AND POPDate <= DateValue('14/02/2005') ORDER BY POPOrdNo [/Code] This is probably a stupid question, but I am running out of ideas, the machine you are running on does have its local settings for the date set to the format that you are searching on as the DateValue function uses them.
  15. EFileTahi-A I tried a start date of 31/12/2003 and end date of 14/02/2005 and got everything for 2004 plus this years, so not sure why it does not work for you. Can you show me what your sql statement is and what your start and end dates are and I will try them here.
  16. Hi all I have been looking into getting the MCSD certification. I am not a big fan of boot camps so have been trying to find a self study course that I can do at home, but there are loads of them and all quite expensive, so I was wondering if anybody can recommend a good one (or let me know of ones to stay away from) Thanks
  17. Not to bad EFileTahi-A, finally got the new system up and running at work (not to many bugs :D ) but still not got internet access at home :mad:
  18. I beleave you right click on blank part of report, on menu select report, edit selection formula and then records. When you start with a blank report you can use the field explore to add your database and then just drap and drop the fields you want to print.
  19. I had the same problem, the way I got round it was to use the DateValue function ie "SELECT * FROM historico WHERE dataagend >= DateValue('01-01-2005') AND dataagend <= DateValue('12-12-2005')"
  20. MyListView.SelectedItems(0).Text to get info from first column and MyListView.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(ThecolumnNumber).Text to get info from other columns
  21. The way I've done this in the passed is to change [CS] public Form mainForm = new frmMain(); [/CS] to [CS] public frmMain mainForm; [/CS] Then you should only need to do [CS] this.MainForm = MainForm2; [/CS]
  22. Glad I could Help :D Just got a new computer at Home XP Pro, Never used Messenger before, but this was something I was going to look into once my broadband had been set-up, as soon as I do I will let u know (probably a couple of weeks as I am waiting for parts).
  23. I had trouble finding it. :) Its View/Other Windows/Document Outline
  24. Hi EFileTahi-A Pennys dropped and I see what you are trying to do.
  25. It would be easier but they don't let us use messenger here :( If you can give me details of the report and what it is you need to do I will try to help. I will try to check the forum as much as possible.
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