EFileTahi-A you are going to love this one.
I have been trying to do this for ages and finally found a solution.
Don't know if there is another way to do this so if anyone else can suggest something I would also like to know.
What you need to do is create 3 formula's, one to be the running total, one to clear it and one to display it. I got this out of a book I have found.
Running total Formula (This needs to go in your details section, I Suppressed it)
CurrencyVar Amount;
Amount := Amount + {Your Field};
Clear total Formula (This needs to go in the page header section, again it is suppressed)
CurrencyVar Amount := 0;
Display total Formula (This goes in the page footer)
CurrencyVar Amount;
I have the running totals for the report printed in the report footer, the problem with this is that you get a page total and a running total on the last page.
Hopes this helps