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About shouzama

  • Birthday 09/03/1978

Personal Information

  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio .NET Professional
  • .NET Preferred Language

shouzama's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I really suggest everyone to checkout pjv's site. And I do not mean only the link, but the entire site.
  2. THANK YOU! :eek: Well... SysRq2000... THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :) :) :) :)
  3. That's really an excellent article. I wonder however how can this be done in .NET...
  4. I grant you that .png DO support alpha channel. However, truly don't know if it's possibile to import and use such files with GDI+.
  5. Thanks wyrd, very good link!
  6. Here we go! RobyDX (Italian)
  7. Thanks! Thanks Mutant, that's quite exactly what I was looking for! I suggest everyone has my own problem to read the thread linked above! :) Oddly enogh, I figured also how to perform a sort of "frameskip" on lower-end machines. Simply achieved by skipping the entire "rendering" procedure if the machine is taking too much time. [EDIT: Look at these links, they may prove useful] http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?t=88872 http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?t=81033 http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/robydx/main.htm The last one is Roberto Zero page, an Italian guy who wrote (and still writes) a LONG serie of tutorials on DX8 and DX9(managed). Unfortunately the entire page is in Italian only (I'm Italian too, btw), but I think the source code can be VERY useful.
  8. Yes, that was the first thing I thought about. However, I cannot figure not even pseudo-code based on a "timer-sync". :( For instance, if I want to move the character from one tile to another, I'll need to sync BOTH the animation AND the position of the character on the screen. I don't know, it's a lot of work, and I think the solution is REALLY simple... I don't have any rendering code. :) It's more a "conceptual" problem than a "technical" one...
  9. Here are two useful links: http://www.exhedra.com/DirectX4VB/Downloads/DirectX9/Basic_D3D9.zip http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69288
  10. Ok, maybe it's a VERY STUPID question, but still I have some trouble figuring how to achieve a fixed framerate... Let's suppose I write my own dx engine and finally managed to render a tile-based map. Now I'd like to place my "main character" on this map (rendered for simplicity's sake with the Sprite object). When my char moves, it should animate. I can very simply change the "drawing frame" of my character everytime I do a BeginScene. However, running on a fast computer this should result in a faster-than-light animation, when on a slow machine it can be painfully sloooooooooow. What I am asking in this useless rant is some hint, link or pseudo code (I use VB.NET, but my problem is more a "conceptual" one than a "code-syntax" one) on how to handle a "fixed frame rate" animation or something similar. Thanks anyone!
  11. Oh well you can just use Triangle Strips... Have a look here: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69288
  12. Coming straight from VB6 (and .NET) to C#, I encountered some "logistic" problems in the way the new MS language handles objects and structs. Let's suppose we have cDummy dummy_obj = new cDummy(dummyparams); cDummy dymmy_copy = null; In VB, an assignment like dummy_copy = dummy_obj simply makes dummy_copy reference the same object referenced by dummy_obj. So, my first question is: - In c#, does the same thing happen? Let's go a little further. Suppose we have a class with a private object of class cDummy, and a property that returns this object private cDummy dummy_obj; public property GetObject { get { return dummy_obj; } } - Does the property returns a COPY of the object or a REFERENCE to the object? If I do: cDummy dummy_copy; dummy_copy = dummyclass.GetObject; does dummy_copy hold a copy of the object in dummyclass OR a reference to the same object? And WHY I can't pass "byref dummyclass.GetObject" to functions?
  13. Sorry, I can't understand your problem. The correct syntax is: Dim c2 as New Class2(mDev) or Dim c2 as Class2 = New Class2(mDev) So, what's wrong?
  14. Thanks a lot Divil, I'll try and let you know!
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