Hi all,
Unfortunately searches here didn't quite result in anything that helped to answer my question.
So here it is. I would like to have a control that displays an image and can accept focus.
Using the button control (actually I'm subclassing it to do what I need) I can get it to load an image, however I can't resize the image that is loaded (as the button1.ImageList.Image.Size property is read-only) -- wasn't able to find anything to describe how to resize it. Decided to then use the PictureBox control (again subclassed to do some of the stuff I need), and although I have full control over it's ability to work with images, I can't find a way to make it accept focus when tab is pressed, the CanFocus is set to false by default, and I'm not sure how to enable it. Also according to MSDN the replacement to VB6's GotFocus and LostFocus are Enter and Leave, neither of which events I can seem to make use of (also the intellisense displays GotFocus and LostFocus events), but I can't get the control to accept focus.
If anyone could please help me that would be greatly appreciated, thanks.