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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Diesel

    Data storage

    who is the client?
  2. Yeh, I liked virtua fighter too...4 was pretty damn good...I wonder why it never caught on. So, I did some research and yeh, it's looks like they were made by the same company...Am2, a subsidiary of sega.
  3. It would be easier with a rtb, as a multi-line textbox considers its content all one line. It is possible to use a rtb? Otherwise it might be easiest to inherit from textboxbase so you can set up an event that fires when a new line is created.
  4. No, that code should work as is for his control. When you call the javascript function from the control, the control is passed in as an object through the event var, so no id is needed.
  5. Dude, the link you posted has nothing to do with the browser. It's a javascript function that uses the maxlength attribute. It's a good idea though...instead of passing the value everytime you call the function.
  6. I found this little coffee shop across the street from where I work. They have a Virtua Tennis machine. For a quarter you can play the whole game (depending on how good you are). Virtua tennis is awesome.
  7. HJ, what would that matter if the browser has no idea what to do with the attribute...anyway, do a search for textarea maxlength, there's a lot of javascript functions that will accomplish what Mike wants to do. I put a link up in his re-post of this topic.
  8. http://javascript.internet.com/forms/limit-textarea.html
  9. I want to access the name of a javascript within that function function myFunction() { return this.name; } myFunction should return myFunction...obviously this.name doesn't work...anyone know...
  10. Ok, I didn't look at the code before.... You realize you are hard-coding i into the javascript.... Which means that the innerText should be displaying "i" instead of the actual value. Also, you realize that the loop you created is registering the same script 300 times. You need to set the variable i in the javascript, and loop through it in the javascript...not in the code-behind. function changeInnerText() { var i = 0; var div = document.getElementById("hello"); for (; i < 300; i++) { div.innerHTML = i.toString(); } } Download Ajax.Net...it's relatively easy to use and will allow you to do what you want...make a call to a server-side function and send any params you want.
  11. try .innerHTML instead of .innerText
  12. Yessir. Been in San Diego about a month now. Fun place.
  13. or just google 'Ajax'
  14. Lol. All that trouble.
  15. Javascript Object destroyed after XmlHttpRequest I have a 'global' javascript object. It works great...until I make an XmlHttpRequest...I retrieve a string (html code) and insert it into an iframe. At that point, I'm not able to access the javascript object anymore. Any ideas?
  16. Cool beans, thanks
  17. Anyone know of a good javascript editor? I've looked at Tito Web Studio and Scryptik
  18. You probably don't have access to terminate the process. That being said, download pstools. Whether you have access or not, it will be able to terminate any thread.
  19. Does an MSDN Subscription Do MSDN Subscriptions
  20. Never used that function...but you could trick it into just checking a certain side...by creating a new bounds rectangle 1 pixel thick on whichever side you want to check. For example the left side: Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(this.Bounds.X, this.Bounds.Y, this.Bounds.X+1, this.Bounds.Bottom) That's one idea
  21. Wait a second...if all you are doing is going to set the background color on a canvas...why don't you just set the color of the pen after the background color is set???? Once the background color is set...create an inverted color by subtracting it's rgb fields from 255...
  22. As far as I know, all objects are created at runtime. I don't believe there is a piece of software that can manipulate data before it is run. Ok, past the sarcasm, Im going to assume 1. you know what you are talking about and 2. you don't know the type of the object you want to instantiate... http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemactivatorclasscreateinstancetopic.asp
  23. I remember... If you use a DataAdapter, you can specifiy ? as a parameter... dba.SelectCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO ShoppingCart (BookId, CustId, Quantity) Values (?, ?, ?)" Haven't used them in a while
  24. Dude....When you created an sqlcommand, you defined the query... Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("UPDATE YPVerification SET [MEMO] = ?, [sTATUS] = ?, [DATE_VERIFIED] = ? WHERE IMG_ID = ?", objConnection) But instead of using ?, you have to define variables which you will later give values to. Variables are prefixed with @ So, for instance Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("UPDATE YPVerification SET [MEMO] = @Memo, [sTATUS] = @Status, [DATE_VERIFIED] = @VerDate WHERE IMG_ID = @Image", objConnection) and then when you create each parameter, specify it's variable name instead of ? param = cmd.Parameters.Add("Memo", SqlDbType.Char) param.Value = DirectCast(di.FindControl("txtMemo"), textbox).Text
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