Dude....When you created an sqlcommand, you defined the query...
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("UPDATE YPVerification SET [MEMO] = ?, [sTATUS] = ?, [DATE_VERIFIED] = ? WHERE IMG_ID = ?", objConnection)
But instead of using ?, you have to define variables which you will later give values to.
Variables are prefixed with @
So, for instance
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("UPDATE YPVerification SET [MEMO] = @Memo, [sTATUS] = @Status, [DATE_VERIFIED] = @VerDate WHERE IMG_ID = @Image", objConnection)
and then when you create each parameter, specify it's variable name instead of ?
param = cmd.Parameters.Add("Memo", SqlDbType.Char)
param.Value = DirectCast(di.FindControl("txtMemo"), textbox).Text