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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Ah....net 2005 makes me want to **** my pants...from excitement
  2. why not compare it as a string?
  3. Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", "<script language=javascript src='Frames.js'>") </script> end the script tag
  4. Look <html> <body onload="doMe();"> <script type="text/javascript"> function doMe() { alert("Yo"); } </script> </body> </html>
  5. Why, why, why? Why would you call it from form load as opposed to the onload event of the document? You are not passing in any information, it's pointless.
  6. My philosophy is keep going until you can't stand it anymore. I like to plan ahead. Get all the tools you need in place, and make sure you have a nice quiet place to get to business. Past experience is key, you have to know when to stop and when to expect interruptions. Once you've gone through process a few times, you eventually get the hang out of it and you can stroke one out in under 15 minutes.
  7. Might help - http://www.mcse.ms/archive111-2004-7-868750.html
  8. Add a reference for the 'fourth library' to the 'one particular library'. This reference 'should' take precedence over the other 2.
  9. Take a look at the source code from the link I posted. There's no explanation needed...the friggin code is there. I've created a tile based game such as this..without directx, without gdi. Also, Efile, get your friggin facts straight! Eye of the beholder was released in 1990, and the only resolutions available on an amiga 500 were 320 x 200, 320 x 400 (using interlacing), 640 x 200, 640 x 400 (using interlacing) So, if the game used 64 colors it ran at 320x200
  10. Wikipedia says Im right: No model, no texture. And yes, your right on one point...it isn't exactly the same as wolfenstein...the rendering is different, but the data rendered is the same, vis-a-vis the tile map, besides, I never said it was exactly the same.
  11. What the hell? Is it me or did all you guys miss the boat? Dude, Wolfenstein 3d! Same type of game... It's a tile-based game...just with different bitmap images representing the tiles. They're not considered textures because there is nothing to apply the image to. Check this awesome Qbasic game out http://www.geocities.com/qbasicarchives/zip/lith2_10.zip
  12. You used the word prototype and then revision. To me a prototype is a branch off of the main path but a revision follows the same linear path, which is it? Does Rev B inherit the properties from Rev A or just from Toy A? Technically, I would use typed collections..google or search this forum..lots of info. Design-wise: Im assuming a revision is a branched path. How in-depth is this solution going to be? I would firstly make interfaces for a room, a box and a toy. You could even make interfaces for the typed collections...ie. IToyCollection, IBoxCollection, IRoomCollection Then make the base class for a room, which obviously inherits from the room interface, and the same for box and toy. The room base class contains a type collection of boxes. Each Box object in the Box Collection contains a type collection of toys. The revision objects are simply child objects of whatever toy class they are prototypes of. For instance: WalkingRobot baseWalkingRobot = new WalkingRobot(); WalkingTalkingRobot walkingRobotRev1 = new WalkingTalkingRobot(); In this case the WalkingTalkingRobot class inherits from WalkingRobot and is considered a prototype. Using this design, the questions you asked become irrelevant. Im not going to post any code...because...well, that's the fun part :)
  13. Use the designer and create a database connection object. Create a dataAdapter and a dataset. Enter the select query for the dataAdapter. Fill the dataset. Put a datagrid onto the form. Load the dataset into the datagrid. You can do all searching from the dataset. I bolded the keywords. Look them up on msdn if you need some sample code.
  14. Building it into the website would be the best thing to do. If you don't have access to the code, or want to do it in an external app... Im assuming the ticket numbers are being generated by a php function. Most likely there will be a form whose action is to post data to this function. Find the function and the data you need to post (ex. http://www.somesite.com/makenumber.php?user=jack&pass=crap&seed=12837) and make an httpRequest. You will receive a response with your numbers. Query this forum for 'httprequest' if you need to see an example of implementing that.
  15. That's what Im asking for. How hard is that? Also, don't take this the wrong way Marble but...you need to get laid. I can't believe you actually spent time making that pic with the language bars on it.
  16. What if in their profile they list multiple versions and multiple languages? Besides, you shouldn't have to check a profile everytime you answer a question.
  17. It's really annoying when you realize someone is talking about .net 2.0 and doesn't realize a feature exists and your advising them on how to re-create that feature in 1.1. At least I find it annoying. Can we add a new topic tree for the 2.0 threads?
  18. You should look into this more. This is a farely big design choice, and there are many different ways of doing this. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Code/2002/Aug/PassingDataInForms.asp http://www.publicjoe.f9.co.uk/csharp/csharp19.html http://searchvb.techtarget.com/vsnetATEAnswers/0,293820,sid8_gci1051298_tax293671,00.html http://www.devcity.net/Articles/102/1/multipleforms3.aspx
  19. Whats the diff between a .net web service and non-.net ws? Your talking about the source is .net?
  20. I always thought the use of a g$ var in qbasic was funny. But then again, I have no life.
  21. Are these forms contained within an mdi form?
  22. I think santa left a little hash in hb's stocking. I don't see what that web page has to do with the question. Anyway...if you don't need to save the viewstate of the page...you can simply name an anchor... <a href="#" name="myAnchor"></a> and do a Response.Redirect in the postback if (IsPostBack) { Response.Redirect("mypage.aspx#myAnchor"); } A better approach would be to use XmlHttpRequest, send the form data to the function that processes it, and then just move the page down to the anchor with some javascript. The page doesn't have to reload.
  23. Try using Control.SuspendLayout() and ResumeLayout() when redrawing...without the need to override OnPaintBackground. Also...is the username/password rectangle a user control? What is the need for the panel?
  24. Screw the transparency issue. Make this easier on yourself by using a graphicsPath... http://www.codeproject.com/cs/media/ExtendedGraphics.asp http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/10/51694.aspx
  25. Yeh, it's called a form...you make it.
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