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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Yes...you do.
  2. What kind of pages are these? You could just save viewstate. How much of a change are you looking for? Are you looking for a hack or a design change?
  3. The string was there because it was just an example. Yeh, you can't hide the control collection.
  4. public new string Controls { get { return base.Controls; } set { ; } }
  5. Has anyone used it?
  6. "CType succeeds as long as there is a valid conversion defined between the expression and the type, whereas DirectCast requires the run-time type of an object variable to be the same as the specified type."
  7. No, haven't tried it.
  8. Why would getz make it up? Try it.
  9. The best vc++ book that you can get: http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/southpacific/books/book19578.htm Anywho...C# is a much more marketable skill than vc++. And David, can you make your signature any longer? Why don't you list every program you've ever written.
  10. Prove it. ............
  11. straight from the monkey's *** http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t123408-objectdatasource-caching-questions.html
  12. Im wondering...since itemArray is class scope...where do you initialize each object? Anyhow, i don't see how it's sorting... 'Check that we're dealing with sysCode objects... If Not TypeOf x Is sysCode Or Not TypeOf y Is String Then Throw New InvalidCastException("Expected sysCode and String object") End If 'Check the codes... Return String.Compare(CType(x, sysCode).Name, y.ToString) You are checking for a sysCode object and a string. When sorting, you will only be getting syscode objects...
  13. http://www.mcwtech.com/CS/blogs/keng/archive/2005/12/16/137.aspx
  14. Jesus Christ, programmers are so impatient. You think 1 day is bad? There's one forum in which my post is the newest post in the topic...and it's 4 months old! Anyway, switch over to C#, you'll be doing yourself a favor.
  15. You want to stream the movie. Literally. To stream flash movies, you have to convert the swf to a flv format. And besides that I have no idea...but check out this application... http://www.mxer.com/sandbox/csharpflashvideo/default.asp this component also performs that functionality http://www.f-in-box.com/dotnet/
  16. Forget what I said. Either way you do it...you have to have a way to relate the form to the id you give it in the database. If not a select case...a config file....an enumeration All will have to be updated each time a new form is created if you use activator.createinstance...what are you going to use to define the form? are you going to keep the actual class name in the database?
  17. Use a provider pattern, and send whatever id that defines a form to the provider and have the provider return the object.
  18. 100 posts does not an expert make. But I would like to see a seperation of question difficulties. Security is optional, don't want to segregate more people. As for a merger...I don't think the sister site would want to merge anyway. But also, it would create for a huge forum with 2 many different topics. Also, I think we should have a section in which our female users post pictures of themselves (preferably in bikinis). mskeel, your welcome to start the posting in that section.
  19. Not to get off the topic (me), but Joe Mamma was one of the best programmers i've talked to. Setting aside his personality (which I liked), he offered more pure programming expertise to this forum than anyone else. Anyway, I just realized these forums are turning into a q&a center for newbies. Most advanced users see the posts and never come back. Maybe the admins can do something about that.
  20. Try SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout. Also, you realize that the previous post was talking about the MSFlexGrid...not the .net 1.1 framework grid. I don't see how the drawing functions could be that much slower, especially in an evolved version of the libraries. Are you loading in the data in the exact same way?
  21. I think the admins already do a good job. They follow the rules and aren't subjective. Whatever the rules specify.
  22. Marble eater is a forum leader, Joe Mamma was banned. BTW, thanks for the vote of confidence EFileTahi.
  23. Why retread through old times? Im a changed man. As your admin, I promise to be just and fair. I will support the little guy and suppress the man. I will abolish the segregation lines of vb.net. I will promote object oriented-ness throughout the world. There will be teleconferences where everyone can express their opinions and share their knowledge. I shall call this new club Community Memory.
  24. Where is this campaign being hosted? I want a secretary that doesn't wear pantyhose.
  25. Never does a man portray his character more vividly then his proclaiming the character of another. Winstar notebooks have amazingly clear screens.
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