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About VTBadfish

  • Birthday 07/29/1985

VTBadfish's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. As many of you know the SDK for iTunes came out withen the last week. I'm having a very hard time getting it set up though. Getting it up in VB.net is easy enough but I'm struggling under C++. Even though I use the right headers included with the SDK when I attempt to compile it says it cannot substantiate an abstract class which makes me think I'm missing a library file which has the definition. In the documentation it says that the type library is in the iTunes.exe file. I'm guessing I need to access this library to get this thing to work. As many times as I've tried different configurations though the linker I can't get the above error to go away or compile. Has anyone got the SDK to run under C++? Or does anyone have any suggestions on what could this work (how to set it up). Thanks everyone
  2. I sould mention Im doing this in VB.net thanks again
  3. Hi fellas... Anyone knows how to use the AnimateWindow Api call for a windows form? Please remember that calling it is NOT the problem. The problem is forcing the form to draw its child controls during execution of AnimateWindow. These child controls are not shown because form is not visible. After running AnimateWindow you can set the form's Visible property to true, This will make them Visible too, but too late. Don't you think? Public Const AW_BLEND As Integer = &H80000 Public Declare Auto Function AnimateWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal dwTime As Integer, ByVal dwFlags As Integer) As Integer Private Sub SomeSub dim myForm as System.Windows.Forms.Form myForm.Controls.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Textbox()) Me.AnimateWindow(myForm.Handle.ToInt32, 400, AW_BLEND) myForm.Visible = True End Sub Thanks in advance.
  4. Well there is help Learning DX9 is truely quite a task. A great place to start for any newbie or intermediate game programmer is: Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus (2nd Edition) by Andre LaMothe (Author) AMAZING book and he walks you through everything step by step. Given only up through DX8 is covered but still helped me A TON. Pretty much the only good book I could find to help me out. This subject is very hit or miss...
  5. Hey guys, I'm working with ansi color so certain recieved codes such as say [31m for example should prompt a change in color in my output. What I'm trying to do is have my rich text box switch to a new color when the code is hit and continue with this color until it hits another code to switch to a different color. I can't find a way to have a Rich Text Box allow me to dynamically change in this way; select seems an ill choice because I never know the length of the string thats going to be in a specific color and I can't figure out another way to do it. Thanks in advanced...
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