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  1. well I got a webcam which has motors attached to so that it can rotate vertically and horizontally. I wrote a vb.net program which continurously capturing the webcam image and then apply dsp to detect motion...also in manual mode I can manually step the motor via my vb.net program.. In addition to that I want to be able to remotely control the webcam via the Internet. The problem is that if the vb.net is running in auto mode, the webcam will rotating around non stop seeking for motion in a vacate room. I want to create a website which allows me to take control over the vb.net app (may be tapped into the vb.net app and turn off the AutoRun bool) which allows me to control the webcam remotley.. ie. stepping the motor vertically or horizontally..
  2. Hi, I am trying to create a site which can remotely control a website movement (i got motor attached to the cam). I also got a local interface in vb.net which constanly rotating the webcam. But if someone requests to control the system remotely I want to take over the local interface...... I was wondering if someone can help........ thk.
  3. URGENT HELP!!! Hi, I was wondering if any know any component in vb.net that I can use to send string/digital over the serial comm port. I know that in vb6 there is a Ms comm component but not in .net. Thnk all
  4. Below is the code -------------------------------------------- Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim Util As IUtilities.IUtil Dim dBase As DAO.Database Dim rsDbase As DAO.Recordset Dim dbPath As String Dim sDate As String Dim sTime As String Dim sName As String Util = CreateObject("IUtilities.IUtil") dbPath = "C:\SITRA\Databases\Database.mdb" 'return recordset I HAVE CHECKED IT RETURN OK rsDbase = Util.dbReadData(dbPath, "MyTable") lstDisplay.Items.Clear() Do While Not rsDbase.EOF 'THE 3 LINES BELOW IS THE PROBLEM, Extract the date, time and name from the recordset 'sDate = rsDbase("Date") 'sTime = rsDbase("Time") 'sName = rsDbase("Name") lstDisplay.Items.Add(sDate & " " & sTime & " " & sName) rsDbase.MoveNext() Loop End Sub
  5. There is no item properties...
  6. I got an Access file with the follow fields, Name, Date, Time. in vb.net I declared and connected to Access and got the data in recordset. But I have problem with accessing the field. in vb6 I can do like this. MyVar = rs("Date") 'where rs is the recordset I tried that but did not work with .net how do u do it in
  7. Hi, I am trying to add item onto the list box, but just discovered that .net has changed completely from vb6. Can some one help me convert this to .net in vb6 ListBox.clear ListBox.addItem ListBox.MoveNext and when click on the list box I want to retrieve the index number. In vb6 the index is in the click even argument. How do I retrieve the index in .net. Thnk
  8. capSetVideoFormat - *** Urgent Help *** Hi, I got a piece of code below it supposes to set the video format of a webcam....but it does not works.... can someone help me out here, I've been trying to get it working for a few days. It running with no error, but just not setting the format right. Thk ----------------------Code---------------------------------- 'API declaration Declare Function SendMessageFormat Lib "USER32" Alias "SendMessageA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, _ ByRef lParam As Object) As Integer Const WM_CAP_SET_VIDEOFORMAT As Integer = (WM_CAP_START + 45) Private Structure RGBQUAD Dim rgbBlue As Byte Dim rgbGreen As Byte Dim rgbRed As Byte Dim rgbReserved As Byte End Structure Private Structure BITMAPINFOHEADER '40 bytes Dim biSize As Long Dim biWidth As Long Dim biHeight As Long Dim biPlanes As Integer Dim biBitCount As Integer Dim biCompression As Long Dim biSizeImage As Long Dim biXPelsPerMeter As Long Dim biYPelsPerMeter As Long Dim biClrUsed As Long Dim biClrImportant As Long End Structure Private Structure BITMAPINFO Dim bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER Dim bmiColors As RGBQUAD End Structure Private Sub capSetFormat() Dim bmi As BITMAPINFO Dim wSize As Byte 'structure size Dim test As Boolean With bmi.bmiHeader .biSize = 40 .biPlanes = 1 .biBitCount = 24 .biCompression = 0 .biClrUsed = 0 .biClrImportant = 0 .biSizeImage = (640 * 480) * 3 .biWidth = 640 .biHeight = 480 End With SendMessageFormat(hWnd, WM_CAP_SET_VIDEOFORMAT, 40, bmi) End Sub ------------------End code---------------------------------
  9. I sort of understand what it meant now....well that what I have been doing....declare it as different type but my problem is that in vb6 I need to transfer this declaration of type ANY (ie Myfunction(byref Var as any)), which not does work in vb .net..... Is there any way to convert it in .net. pls someone help
  10. Not quite sure what u meant.........I still learning vb
  11. *** Urgent ***** Hi all, I have lot of trouble trying to convert to .net...Below I have a declaration of an API, my problem is .net does not take the argument of ByRef lparam as Any this argument is a pointer to a structure...... Can someone help me out ........ ----------CODE---------------------- Private Declare Function SendMessageAsAny Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, _ ByRef lParam As Any) As Long Function capGetVideoFormat(ByVal hCapWnd As Long, ByRef BmpFormat As BITMAPINFO, ByVal CapFormatSize As Long) As Long capGetVideoFormat = SendMessageAsAny(hCapWnd, WM_CAP_GET_VIDEOFORMAT, CapFormatSize, BmpFormat) End Function
  12. anyone........help???
  13. Hi I got an activeX control created in vb6..... how do i include in vb.net Form...
  14. I am using while loop.......I think I work out how to do it.. is to use the DoEvents But not sure if this is the best way of doing it.
  15. thank....
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