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    Risk management consultant

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  1. BHO A browser help object (in my limited understanding) is a way of extending Internet Explorer. It gets fired up everytime an instance of IE is creates and implements the interface IObjectWithSite. I'm looking to detect a new browser window being opened, and then prompt the user for an input if they navigate to a specific site.
  2. I'm trying to create a browser help object in vb.net, and have looked at several examples from VB 6 but can't get them to work. Does anybody have a (very) simple example that works? Huge thanks in advance
  3. Divil, thanks for the reply. I tried a different tack. Using the type lib from http://www.domaindlx.com/e_morcillo/scripts/type/default.asp I tried the IActiveDesktop interface to the active desktop. This lets me either enable the activedesktop and use a JPG, or use the normal desktop mode and a .bmp. Reading a document on the desktop properties it seems that to use a JPG you must have activedesktop enabled; hence my problem. Thanks Andy
  4. I'm trying to set the wallpaper on my desktop using vb .net and just cannot seem to get it working. I've looked at some code posted elsewhere for vb6 but this doesn't seem to work in .net. The function suggested is [systemParametersInfo] but no luck as yet. Any suggestions TIA Andy PS Machine is W2k
  5. I'm trying to fill a simple web form in with vb .net, and have found numerous samples in VB6, however I can't seem to work out the same in vb .net. I can add the explorer object and navigate to the page, however when I try to use the AxWebBrowser1.documents collection I don't have access to the 'all' or 'forms' objects that the VB6 examples uses. Any help very gratefully received. Andy
  6. I've just bought the 'learning edition' of vb.net with the aim of learning a little more about the .net framework. As a starting point I was hoping to develop a simple Excel (com) addin. Following the instructions from the MS article 302896 I looked for the 'Extensibility Projects' project type but cannot find it. Is this a limitation of the 'learning edition' and if so is there any way to add these templates and wizzards later? Thanks and sorry if this is a dumb first question! Andy
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