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About mscott

  • Birthday 08/02/1979

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  • Occupation
    Application and Web Developer and Programmer

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've be asked to look into coding a build app. using the continous build philosophy. I know there are products out there. I was hoping to find out where i could get some source code at?
  2. I can handle sample(small) C# projects fine. The two translators that I named earlier, work better for larger projects and code samples. Especially the the first one, b/c of the commented To Do's along the way. Maybe I went wrong by not explaing the purpose of my initial post. All I was trying to avoid was thinking that the translators I found were the end all of C# to VB.NET convertors. But thanks for your offer, but the translators I've found work well. So, once again...Has anyone found any OTHER C# to VB.NET convertors?
  3. Also,.... The first one, gives commented out To Do's w/ some of the code that the translator could not convert clearly.
  4. There are actually two I already know of: 1.) http://www.aspalliance.com/aldotnet/examples/translate.aspx 2.) http://www.kamalpatel.net/ConvertCSharp2VB.aspx With the 2nd one, you can download an offline(fat client) version. So, my question was did any one know of any other than those two.
  5. Does anyone know of any quality C#(Sharp) to VB.NET translators?
  6. Shell("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE " & path, AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)
  7. Anyone know if it is at all possible to launch IE from a windows form? Thanks.
  8. I was afraid of that
  9. Has anyone used the toolbar control provide by .NET extensively? So that you know how to change the background color of buttons.
  10. Anyone know if it is possible to put a tab page w/in a tabpage? I guess it was possible in VB6(says a team lead). I know an obvious solution would be to add a tabcontrol to the tabpage itself. Thanks, for any help.
  11. Tutorials I've played w/ the the chat program that comes w/ .NET. I think, if divil were to demonstate the sockets class by creating a p2p chat program, he'd do a more extensive job than microsoft did.
  12. Also Thanks, Thinker. I will try to be more specific from here on out. I wasn't and didn't say you could CStr an object in VB6. Maybe I should have been more clear, but I figured someone named Thinker would be able to see, that I was speaking generally. If anyone has any information on what I stated earlier(first post), it would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, earlier, I'd hate to have to use Is Nothing checks everywhere I convert data types. Thanks again.
  13. Clarify for THINKER What I'm talking about has nothing to do w/ database. I'm talking straight VB.NET. Then what I stated earlier.
  14. I'm doing some string manipulation in VB.NET. In previous versions of VB, if you wanted to covert something to String you would use the CStr(or ToString, if available). Now in .NET, since everything is more object based, you can use the ToString everywhere. Not so fast my friends..... The catch is if what you're manipulating is null /or nothing. Where you'll receive errors, if you try and use any of the string instance methods. Obviously the solution is to do an Is Nothing check on what you're manipulation. Where the CStr and all it's old VB6 cowarts(CBool, CDate, CInt, etc.) don't care. I'm trying to get away from using on VB6 stuff(especially since Microsoft has taken other stuff from VB6 and not included it all), and use what VB.NET provides. It just seems like a step backward having to do an Is Nothing check anytime I want to convert data types. If anyone has found some ways around this /or information on this, please share. Thanks.
  15. mscott


    Thanks, I'll check it out.
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