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  1. Oh yes ICQ messanger! :( but I unistall it rapidly. Exactly the problem start after an installation. How to solve it? How should I fix theCOM +? :confused: :o
  2. I did this too but still getting the same error!
  3. I did what Fadi said exactly but the problem stays.
  4. I have the same error now: http://faramarz.europe.webmatrixhosting.net/pic/ev01.gif http://faramarz.europe.webmatrixhosting.net/pic/ev02.gif http://faramarz.europe.webmatrixhosting.net/pic/ev03.gif http://faramarz.europe.webmatrixhosting.net/pic/ev04.gif http://faramarz.europe.webmatrixhosting.net/pic/ev05.gif
  5. Oh exellent,But i did not think that it would be sth like this!
  6. I have a function in VB Script but I can not covert it to CS! Help me please: Function En2Fr (sStr) Dim nLen, i, ch, sFrStr nLen = Len(sStr) if nLen = 0 OR IsNull(nLen) then En2Fr = sStr Exit Function end if sFrStr = "" for i = 1 to nLen ch = Mid(sStr, i, 1) if 48 <= Asc(ch) AND Asc(ch) <= 57 then ch = ChrW(Asc(ch) + 1728) end if sFrStr = sFrStr + ch next En2Fr = sFrStr End Function
  7. Thanks Geniuse guy!:)
  8. Ya! I think the problem must solve like the e-payment systems:PayPal By a large government supervision.:)
  9. How can I handle multi type error? SQL + custom or other ones? catch (SqlException e01) { //Response.Write(e01.Number.ToString()); if (e01.Number == 2601) { Label4.Text ="Error msg"; } else Label1.Text = e01.Message.ToString(); }
  10. What about dial up users? Their ISP ip will save? You konw that both of them are not practical.Is't it? * Me too!:)
  11. Total poll System
  12. I have made a poll system with Admin portion. As u know the poll and voting system have critical points: 1-Multi vote by one user 2-Hacker Attempts so on Now for a custom prevention of multi voting,what is the best way? Cookie? :-\
  13. Correct ... Tnx alot guy.U 're really a good man
  14. I examed what u sid and it was true! Thanks..:)
  15. void GridBinder() { string strCon = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnStr"]; SqlConnection objConn = new SqlConnection(strCon); string mySelectQuery = "SELECT Rname,rank,CAST(rank/"+ "(select cast(sum(rank) as float) from tblpoll) AS NUMERIC(5,2)) as Percentage from tblpoll"; /*"SELECT RName,Rank,"+ "(cast (rank as float) * 100/"+ "(SELECT CAST(sum(rank) AS FLOAT )from tblpoll AS NUMERIC(3,2) )"+ " as Percentage FROM tblPoll)"; */ //SELECT CAST(rank/(select cast(sum(rank) //as float) from tblpoll) AS NUMERIC(5,2)) as rank from tblpoll SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(mySelectQuery,objConn); objConn.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader; myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); DataGrid1.DataSource = myReader; DataGrid1.DataBind(); }
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