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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Antoine

  1. Yeah I know, the VB6 was the problem, but I need a good and simple comport system, and the one that's given on the microsoft website is much to large alot of code, which could be prevented with one nice MSComm control. Is it possible to register, or is there something other control for a COMMport ? I cannot install VB6 again Regards, Antoine
  2. Dear, Because of a hard disk crash, I had to re-install (my fully legal) Visual Studio .NET Profesional package. When I want to add a MSComm control at designtime I get an error "You do not have the license for......... etc" What the hell is that about ??? Before my crash everything worked fine, and now it doesn't, what can be the problem ?? I'm getting sick of this :mad: Hopefully anyone can help me :( :) Antoine
  3. Nobody ? :'(
  4. How can I alter / change the master volume of the main soundcard ? Regards, Antoine
  5. That's bad....... :( But thanks for your information !
  6. Hello, I've worked with Visual Basic 6 for a long time, and now I'm trying to get VB .NET working. But, I cannot find the "Index" property in de properties windows. E.g. I want to create (during designtime), 7 labels with indexes 0 to 6.... How can I do this ? Is this function renamed or something, I can't find anything on MSDN either Regards, Antoine
  7. Yes me too, didn't knew that that was possible :)
  8. Dear, I'm working on an application and therefore I need some icon's, does anybody know a place where to download these things ? Thanks! Regards, Antoine
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