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Everything posted by Antoine

  1. Hello Junkee, I have Flatstyle.system, that is why I think it is a little strange. Maybe there is something "wrong" in the form. I migrated this project from .NET 2003 maybe there is something wrong. Everything is working fine except for some minor alpha blending things. Still thanks for your reply ! :)
  2. Dear all, I've just created an application in VB.net 2005. What a GREAT program in comparison with 2003 :). But I have one question. When I have my windows style "classic" I have the standard grey buttons. When I use windows "XP Style" I have nice rounded buttons in design time, but when running they become square. How can I change this ? I also want nicely shaped buttons in runtime :) Grtz, Antoine
  3. Hello marble eater Something like that I was also thinking of, the text itself is indeed on top of a grey (system color) background. But still I think it is strange. Maybe I didn't install framework correctly ? In .NET 2003 this work fluently :)
  4. Dear all, In VB.NET Pro 2003 I always managed to make the forecolor of a label control nicely fade into the background using lblSomething.Forecolor = Color.FromArgb(a, 255, 255, 255) Where a is counted up or down to get a nice smooth fading effect. BUT now in VB.NET Express 2005 this code doesn't work anymore ??? I tried several options, like transparent backcolor, and the Usecompatibletextrendering but nothing works. The text simply stays opaque. The color is changeable though if I edit the red/green/blue values, but the alpha value doesn't do anything. I can use the opacity function with forms though, so it's not a video driver issue imho. Thanks in advance ! Regards Antoine :)
  5. I think I found the problem :D:D, it was in my TCP/IP connect routine, I changed it a little and now my memory stays under 24MB :p Thanks for all your input :)
  6. Hello marble eater, Hmm, sounds interesting what you write there. My software is also constantly connecting and disconnecting to ethernet devices. And I found out that when I disable the communication part and simply let the array's be filled and emptied without comm's my VM stays decently on 19k something. And doesn't even move a single 4 kB. So OR the problem is in the comm's part itself OR due to the comm's part the GC.collect doesn't work properly. Anyway, if you call gc.collect the program immediatly does a gc ? Or it still waits till it has time to do so ? Thanks ! Antoine
  7. I think the problem is in 4 array's. I use them to store information (duh ;)), and it is constantly ReDim'ed (bigger and smaller) with Preserve option. I think that this is the problem. This can be possible ? Does GC.Collect do something with arrayvariables that are not used anymore ? Regards, Antoine
  8. Dear all, I have a strange problem, my vb.net application completely runs out of vm, this can exceed 1 GB, since this application constantly runs on a server, windows returns an error after several hours. The strangest thing is that gc.collect() doesn't seen to work. Does anybody know how to clear up the vm properly ? Thanks in advance ! Antoine
  9. Hello experts :), I don't know where to start this. But I need the following... I need a program, where it is possible to connect to multiple client with Telnet sockets. But how on earth do I initialize this ? I managed to send data but I can not create an event driven (array) of telnet sockets. Could anyone give me a hint or (even better ;-)), code for this ? Many thanks in advance Antoine
  10. Okay, thank you, but could you give me hint on how to do that ? :confused: I now used a "panel" and then the backgroundimage, which also works but is not ideal Thanks in advance !
  11. Dear all, I have a slight problem. I want to make the background of a picturebox transparent. This because I show icons in this picturebox and there is an image underneath. So in case there is an icon with transparent things in it I want to see the background through it, and not a grey "box". How is this possible ? When setting the .backcolor = Transparent, it doesn't work. Also during runtime with the .fromargb it doesn't work. Problem is that I need to click on this icon so it needs to be a clickable component. I also tried to use SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True) but this is also not working. Who can help me please ? Thanks in advance Antoine [edit] I just found out that when I am doing this with the backgroundimage of a groupbox that this is working properly, but when using this on top of an image from a picturebox it's not., neither on a backgroundimage of a picture box.
  12. Thanks ! I now use this line PlaySound(&H0, Nothing, SND_ASYNC) To stop the sound, the sound stops, I only get a windows sound behind it :( is it also possible NOT to have this sound ? Grtz, Antoine
  13. Is there also a way to check if the sound is still playing ? Because I have a timer which constantly play's a sound, but the first one needs to be finished first :) Thanks Antoine
  14. Dear all, I have written a piece of code to get information out of a number of IP camera's and import it using a webclient. But when the camera fails for some reason, the whole software stops responding, because it is waiting for the data that never comes. Is there a possible way to let the webclient generate a time-out when there is no data for a certain amount of time ? Dim myWebClient As New System.Net.WebClient Try tmrVideoRefresh.Enabled = False Dim remoteUrl As String = CameraArray(CurrentCam, 2) Dim myDatabuffer As Byte() = myWebClient.DownloadData(remoteUrl) Dim MyMemoryStream As New System.IO.MemoryStream(myDatabuffer) Dim img As Image = Image.FromStream(MyMemoryStream) VideoBox(Val(CameraArray(CurrentCam, 1))).Image = img tmrVideoRefresh.Enabled = True Catch ex As System.Net.WebException MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Exit Try Catch ex As Security.SecurityException MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Exit Try Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Exit Try End Try Thanks in advance Antoine [edit] Btw, I don't mind that it is taking 80 seconds to find out that it doesn't exist, but more the fact the the whole application stands still (I thought windows was multitasking ?), is there a way to make it run in the background or something ? [/edit]
  15. Most probably there is indeed. I can simply not find the error. Because when I check the dependencies for me project it returns that there is nothing for my project to depend on..... I think it is a strange problem, but the code is REALLY working okay :confused: When I deploy the project, it gives a blue "wrinkle" underneath "Primary output of myproject", and it gives TWO extra minor errors, but it completes building and I can perfectly install my software on a complete freshly installed Windows XP Home / Pro computer without Office installed. My previous software worked with MS Excel, but because of all the incompatibilty problems for the project I used it for we decided to go to XML Speadsheet, which works WAY better. Only software still thinks that it needs office...... Strange huh ? :eek: Hopefully somebody can help me with this one ? Regards, Antoine
  16. Dear all, In my project I have had a link to the microsoft.office.core.dll but I changed my software and now it doesn't need it anymore. So I deleted the files from the project folder but now there is an error saying: "The dependency 'Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core' could not be found.", but I deleted everything in the code that referenced that file. The software is working fine btw, it doesn't ask about this very dependency, but the fact that it is still standing there doesn't please me :) I have deleted all the code I have deleted them in the solution explorer It's not in the object browser anymore And when I click the error it gives some sound only but doesn't jump to the place where the error might be. Still I have an error that seems to do nothing. Where have I forgot to delete it ?
  17. Managed :) I managed to get the following which works good but doesn't use the encoding :confused: Imports System Imports System.IO ... ... Dim TestFile As String = "E:\XML meuk\test.xml" Dim sReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(TestFile) While Not sReader.Peek = -1 Test = (sReader.ReadLine) ... End While
  18. Hello, It returns an error when I try to declare the streamreader :confused: Dim sReader as new StreamReader ..... It gives an error on Streamreader.... Who can help me please ? Grtz, Antoine [edit] And how can I exchange the Console.Readline with my own variable ? Since it returns an error on that one also :o Sometimes I really hate .NET [/edit]
  19. @Dynamic So in my case it would be something like the following ? (Can't test it right now will do it in the morning) Dim MyFile as string = "E:\Test\Config.txt" Dim sReader as new StreamReader(MyFile, Encoding.ASCII) etc.etc Is these things I can be a real noob in .NET :-\ Will it now read the proper characters ? I mean, for instance there was the � sign in the file (ALT+0128), and it gave me back something like "â,◙" for this very �-sign :) Thanks allready Grtz, Antoine
  20. Hello, I have a little problem when reading a file that has UTF-8 encoding. Problem is that I need ANSI to read it. Is there a possible way to tell to VB.NET that it should read as ANSI and not as UTF-8 ? Grtz, Antoine
  21. Dear all, I couldn't find anything with the search option on this site with XML. So I am asking it again, so please don't fire me if it is allready posted okay ? :) We (me and my collegue) have a problem. Since Excel is one hell of a disaster to deploy to other programs. We want to use XML sheets. Since in Excel you can export them to XML format. But what is an easy way to read 4 worksheets. In 4 different array's ? With excel we used the direct cast option: xlsBook = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open(FilePath & "ConfigFile.xls") Dim xlsSheet As Excel.Worksheet = xlsBook.Worksheets("Graphics_IDList") xlsRng = xlsSheet.Range(xlsSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Address) BMSArray = DirectCast(xlsRng.Value, Object(,)) Is something like this also possible with XML ? Or does anybody know a better or other solution ? Thanks in advance ! Regards, Antoine [edit] I'm working with VB.NET 2003 [/edit]
  22. Hello, In VB.net are a lot of predefined system colors. Like Aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, etc. etc. Is it possible in some way to define colors in your project with number ? So to say not: button.backcolor = system.drawing.color.aqua But something like button.backcolor = system.drawing.color(2) (where 2 stands for aqua) ? IS this possible is some way ? It would greatly affect the size of my code :) Thanks in advance ! Antoine
  23. That is not what I meant, I want a menu option appear on the most right available position. Something like: "File Options Othermenu anothermenu Help" Where File is the most left position and Help is the most right
  24. Dear Mike, Thanks for your reply, at least now it is clear to me why all these strange things happened :). I wonder WHEN microsoft is going to make this all even in their software :( At least, thank you very much for your explanation ! Regards, Antoine
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