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Everything posted by robojam

  1. I have two tables that I need to join to get the required data, but I get too many rows returned with everything I have tried. Basically, both tables have and IDEA_ID field, and a simple SELECT query on TABLE1 will give me the data that I want from that table, but I get too many rows returned from TABLE2 as there are multiple rows with the same IDEA_ID in TABLE2. Basically, SELECT * FROM TABLE1 gives me all the data I need with the exception of 6 columns for which the data is in TABLE2. TABLE2 has 3 columns - IDEA_ID, ROLE_ID and ADATE. IDEA_ID matches the IDEA_ID field in TABLE1; ROLE_ID is a number from 1 to 6; and ADATE is a date. There can be 1 to 6 rows for each IDEA_ID, with the IDEA_ID and ROLE_ID combination being unique. How can I run a query that will give me rows that have the fields from TABLE1, and 6 additional columns from TABLE2? Table structures are: TABLE1 IDEA_ID, PROD_TYPE, TITLE, DESC TABLE2 IDEA_ID, ROLE_ID, ADATE
  2. Hi I am in the middle of a proof of concept at the moment to determine if we can connect to a Teradata database from our web servers. I have the NCR Teradata ODBC drivers installed on a Windows 2003 server, and that server should by default have the MS Teradata drivers installed as MDAC 2.8 SP1 should be there. The problem I have had is that the drivers aren't recognized if I try this with either ODBC or OLE DB connections. I have had one of the developers create an app for me so that I can update the connection string and try to connect, but have had no luck. I also installed the NCR drivers on my own Windows XP machine (SP2), which also should have the equivalent of MDAC 2.8 SP1, but writing VBA in Excel. The error that I get is that the driver isn't recognized. I can connect using a DSN connection on my machine using Teradata SQL Assistant, but we cannot use DSN connections on the servers (DSN-less only). The only online help I have found so far suggests reinstalling drivers, and I have lost count of how many times I have done that on both machines, so that doesn't work. The connection strings that I have tried are: "Provider=TDOLEDB;Data Source=xxxxxxxxxx;User Id=xxxxxxxxxx;Password=xxxxxxxxxx;Extended Properties=Session Mode=TERADATA;" and "Provider=Teradata;DBCName=xxxxxxxxxx;Uid=xxxxxxxx xx;Pwd=xxxxxxxxxx" and multiple versions thereof. Does anyone know why I am getting problems recognizing the driver? My assumption is that either of the Provider names that I am giving is not correct, but these are the ones that I find when I search the Internet. I am really confused on this one, as I don't know what the issue is here. __________________ Make something idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot... :(
  3. We're using SoftArtisans OfficeWriter to stream Excel files to users in ASP.NET. The problem is, some of these files are very large, so clicking on the download button seems to do nothing. What we'd like to do is to show something that lets the user know that the file is downloading. The problem that we have is that we'd like to show the message once the button is clicked, and then remove the message when the save/open dialog box appears in the browser. As the initiation is server-side and the event that we're waiting on is client side, it's hard to know how to do this. I was thinking of something along the lines of showing some kind of panel with an animated gif inside it to show that something is downloading at the point that the button is clicked. How do I determine that the browser is showing the save/open dialog box so that I can then hide the panel? Thanks
  4. Hi I'm looking to update about 80 rows in a table where I need to sum some values from the source table. Basically I want to run a query that does this: UPDATE tblDaily SET SALES = 'x', REDEMPTIONS = 'y', NET = (x + y) WHERE FDATE > '13-Feb-2006' AND FDATE < '14-Jun-2006' The values of 'x' and 'y' are stored in another table, and I can get them using this query: SELECT SUM(x), SUM(y), SUM(x + y) FROM tblSTAGING WHERE FDATE > '13-Feb-2006' AND FDATE < '14-Jun-2006' What I'm looking to do is to combine these queries so that I can run the UPDATE query with the SELECT query as a sub-query. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance!
  5. You should just be able to use the standard SQL commands. If you use ADO you can just build SQL strings and use them to set ADO command objects.
  6. I'm looking for the fastest way to run a query that gets two different values from an Oracle table, and subtracts one from the other. The first is determined by querying a field that identifies one type of data, and the second by querying the same field for another type of data. The two individual queries are: SELECT CDATE, TNAME, AS_REP FROM CARD_TABLE WHERE CDATE <= '01-Dec-2001' AND CDATE >= '01-Nov-2001' AND TNAME = 'TRSTXN' and SELECT CDATE, TNAME, AS_REP FROM CARD_TABLE WHERE CDATE <= '01-Dec-2001' AND CDATE >= '01-Nov-2001' AND TNAME = 'TRS554N' These two queries will each return two rows, as there is one value on the first of each month. What I need is a query that would return two rows, but would give me the value of AS_REP from the first query minus AS_REP from the second query. I have been trying to write subqueries, but I can't seem to get it right.
  7. Hi I have a web application that uses Office Web Components to create Excel spreadsheets on the fly. What I would like to do is to allow users to save this spreadsheet on their hard drive without having to save the spreadsheet on the server. Does anyone know how I could do this? I'd like to present them with a standard save as common dialog box so that they can choose the path, and then invoke the saveas method of the Excel object using the path. I wondered if I could somehow make a client side Windows API call to get the dialog box, but I can't find any information on it. Is it possible to make an API call with JavaScript? Thanks in advance for any help!
  8. Hi I am trying to stop the autopostback of the standard calendar control in a ASP.NET page. There is no autopostback property for the calendar control, and trying to set it in code does not work, so it is not a hidden property of the control. Is there any way to disable autopostback for a control? What I would like to see is for the user to be able to click forward or backward one month, but the page not to be reposted. If I could do it with client side script that would be great, but it's pointless to add that code if I can't stop the autopostback to the server. Any ideas? Thank you
  9. robojam

    Isdn Ras

    Hi We are programming software in VB.NET to allow hardware to dial in to a remote server via a RAS server connected to 30 ISDN lines. We have been testing the application that is to sit on the remote server and validate dial-up connections using analog modems, but need to know how to change the code to deal with the RAS server and ISDN instead of an analog modem and PSTN. Does anyone know of a good source of information, or could give some advice on this? Thanks
  10. Thanks but... Thanks for the suggestions, but they don't really help me here. Perhaps I didn't give enough details. Another programmer is dealing with getting the information, and I have to deal with sending each message to be processed, but it has to be possible for a new message to be processed before a previous one finishes to avoid the system coming to a standstill if any third-party systems don't return a message. I have tried using System.ThreadPool, but it seems to cater for running different program objects at the same time. What I want to do is to run multiple instances of the same class/subroutine or whatever. Thanks
  11. Hi I am trying to write an application in VB.NET to process transactions that come down a phone line. As it is possible that one could follow closely on the heels of another, I don't want to have to wait for the first transaction to complete before starting to process the next. Another programmer is writing the TAPI interface, and I have to provide a function that takes an input string as a parameter. What I need to do is to take the parameter and quickly send it to be processed so that if the function is called again the buffer can be dumped and sent to the called function again. The MSDN help on threads seems to only help if I intend to run a number of different functions/subs at the same time, and doesn't cover wanting to run multiple instances of the same one. Can anyone help? Thanks
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