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Everything posted by gundavarapu

  1. Hi abarham, The process which you have specified works only for the datagrid which has only ItemCommand event handler. but if we have the SortCommand also, then this is not working as the sortcommand event is fired after ItemCommand and the datagrid is rebinded in the sortcommand. one problem with the SortCommand Event is the parameter e is of type DataGridSortEventArgs as oppossed to that of DataGridCommandEventArgs of the ItemCommand Event, so we cannot identify the column header which invoked the event. Is there any process to overcome this... anyways thanks for the help :)
  2. Hi All, I'm trying to use the TemplateColumn in my Datagrid which will have a Label Control and an image button control in it. i'm sorting the column using the image button. Now what i'm trying to achieve is to change the image of the control once the button is clicked. Hope i made myself clear. Any help in this regards is highly appreciated.
  3. Hi All, Thanks for all those efforts went into solving this puzzle ;) I've found the solution for myself. Thanks & Regards, Sidhu
  4. Hi, How to get rid of the database login dialog displayed by the crystal report when displaying data. Hope i made myself clear... Regards, Sidhu
  5. Hi All, Where can I find a Coding Standards Specification for Visual Basic .Net? Or Have anyone of you already prepared a Coding Standard and willing to share... Thanks in advance Regards, Sidhu
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