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Everything posted by NicoVB

  1. I've downloaded the windows media 9 SDK. But I want to use this to extract frames from a avi-file... I saw that there is a function for it.... But how do I use this API in .NET???? VB4-32,5,6 Declare Function AVIFileOpen Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIFileOpenA" (ppfile As Long, ByVal szFile As String, ByVal mode As Long, pclsidHandler As Any) As Long But is there a class in .NET and if not, how do you define this function in .NET??? Thanks Nico
  2. Hi, How do you do this?? I want to save the frames as image files.... so I can draw on the image files different figures.... How do you do this in VB.NET??? Thanks Nico
  3. This can't be so difficult. Just a question about Crystal Reports
  4. I have a Crystal Report with some fields. But I want that when a field has a certain value like for example "Nico", I can highlight the row by setting it's text style value to BOLD. But how do you achieve this???
  5. I have a textbox filled with some dynamic text. I want that I can make the textbox programmaticaly (or automatically) so high that i don't have to scroll to so all of the content (all the content should be displayed right on the screen). How to do this???
  6. I have allready solved the problem by creating another sub (without parameters) in which I call the method I want. 1.Is this the right way to do that???? Now this problem occured during threading: --------------------------------------------------------- CType(pnl.Control, ContactenTab).GridEx2.SetDataBinding(objDSContact, "KON") An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in system.windows.forms.dll Additional information: Besturingselementen die zijn gemaakt voor de ene thread kunnen niet het bovenliggende item zijn van een besturingselement op een andere thread.(Translation: Controls that are created for one thread can't be the item of a control of another thread) 2.What to do??? Nico
  7. Thanks for the information. Now I'm trying to use at least those two first threads. But I have a problem with the second. I have Dim thread2 As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf FillContactGrid(TabContacts)) thread2.Start() But that's wrong, because you aren't allowed to use parentheses. But what do I have to do then, because I need to give a variable to the method!!!! Nico
  8. Well, Thanks for that information. Indeed, I have a TabFillingSub with some controls that I create and then try to add them to a Tab. But this doesn't work like you said because of the threads. Do you know another solution for that??
  9. Dossier_Load 'Location changes of few controls 'Data binding with some textboxes 'Filling another Tab with some info from a database That's it. But can't give you the code right now. Can someone explain me how to 'thread' this??? (I have one Form with a tabcontrol with several Tabs. I want to load in the background the other tabs that are not seen by the user until they click on that tab) Thanks
  10. I will tomorrow attach some code, but I can say it works with a DataReader who reads from the database and gives the form the information.
  11. Is there any problem if that new thread works on the same form, because i got an error when I tested that.
  12. Private Sub Dossier_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Load1() Load2() 'etc End Sub How do you use 'Application.DoEvents()' in this statement to get the BEST performance. 1. Do you place it in the seperate methods ??? 2. Do you place the statement just here in this Load Event, one time or several times between each call????? Thanks Nico
  13. I have a big form with a tabcontrol with a lot of tabs(20). But when I'm developping my program I'm facing during developping a lot of time spent during saving the project, because of the fact that I have on ONE form around 300 controls allready. So what do I have to do to spend not so much time. Maybe this is an idea: For each tab I can create a FORM which I can include in my tab. But how do I do this programmatically??? Thanks Nico
  14. How do you terminate from outside another procedure that is running while you have set Application.DoEvents() ???
  15. I don't have any drawing code, I just have One Scrollable Panel with a lot of panels inside it.
  16. Yep, I thought about that, but that takes more time. Maybe a better solution is STOPPING the first DataReader and starting the other, but how do you do that in code because of the different procedures that are running during the process????
  17. I have a large Panel with a lot of mini-panels inside it. But when I scroll the Panel and I hold my mouse down on the scrollbar, the pixels are blury and are spread over whole the panel. What do I have to do to solve this??
  18. In one tab of a tabcontrol I'm loading information from a database with a DataReader. But this takes quite a bit of time, so I use Application.DoEvents() But I have also another tab that loads also information with another DataReader. Problem: ------------ When the first data is loading, I click on the other tab, so to have the other information. But it gives an error, because I have two open DataReaders. Does someone has a solution for that??? Maybe a solution for this is STOPPING the first DataReader and starting the other, but how do you do that in code because of the different procedures that are running during the process???? Thanks Nico
  19. I have a datagrid filled with data from a database. I want to add a handler to all textboxes in the columns of my datagrid. Dim Textcol As DataGridColumnStyle For Each Textcol In GridEx1.TableStyles("KON").GridColumnStyles AddHandler Textcol.MouseDown, New MouseEventHandler(AddressOf TextBoxMouseDownHandler) AddHandler Textcol.DoubleClick, New EventHandler(AddressOf TextBoxDoubleClickHandler) Next But these code doens't seem to work. How do you do this???? Nico
  20. Thank you guys for your valuable information!!! :)
  21. This is really easy I think. I'm just doing something very simple wrong. What is it?
  22. I did not have enough time, but will take a look in the next days at the code of their forum. But I think if we want to build a forum on our own, we will be busy, because of the huge amount of forums allready created.
  23. button1_Click pnlLinks.Invalidate() Dim i As Object For each i In concoll i.BackColor = Color.Transparent Next Dim g As Graphics g = pnlLinks.CreateGraphics g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#003366")), rect) g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#99FF00")), rect) CTL.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#003366") CType(CTL.Tag, Panel).BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#003366") g.Dispose() This is the code I use for my drawing of a rectangle. But what happens: I can see that there is drawn a rectangle one millisecond, but the rectangle disappears instantly. Why is that??
  24. Thank you both But JABE>>> If you run that in a separate thread will the window then repaint it also ??? and PlaysiblyDamp>>> Is this not bad for performance???
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