I have made an empty form with VS.NET 2003, installed the .NET compact Framework SP 2 and want to run my (empty) app ... it copies only one file to the device (the .exe-file)... then he says:
"error: dll not registered"
i looked which dll caused the error (i thought it was the following in the row of files that have to be copied to the device: "mscorlib.dll")
i've made already that both my desktop pc and my device have the same version of the dll... but he still says:
Connected to Pocket PC Device (Pocket PC) running on ARM.
Copying files from 'C:\testapp2\bin\Debug' to '\Program Files\testapp2'
Copying testapp2.exe
Error: DLL-file not registered.
---------------------- Done ----------------------
Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped
Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped
What do I have to do????
(note: if I try to run the app on my device by just clicking the exe-file IT WORKS... so he don't need that dll file, which is logic because the dll is already on the device)