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Everything posted by NicoVB

  1. How do you end a pocket pc app or how do you close other forms without closing your application?? nico
  2. I just had to repair my install of vs.net 2003 because some of the dll's weren't registered anymore after a register clean up!!
  3. Hi I have made an empty form with VS.NET 2003, installed the .NET compact Framework SP 2 and want to run my (empty) app ... it copies only one file to the device (the .exe-file)... then he says: "error: dll not registered" i looked which dll caused the error (i thought it was the following in the row of files that have to be copied to the device: "mscorlib.dll") i've made already that both my desktop pc and my device have the same version of the dll... but he still says: Connected to Pocket PC Device (Pocket PC) running on ARM. Copying files from 'C:\testapp2\bin\Debug' to '\Program Files\testapp2' Copying testapp2.exe Error: DLL-file not registered. ---------------------- Done ---------------------- Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped What do I have to do???? (note: if I try to run the app on my device by just clicking the exe-file IT WORKS... so he don't need that dll file, which is logic because the dll is already on the device)
  4. I had the same problem at that point, so I created a control myself called an IconBox control... If you set the property Image of it to the icon... it all goes right!!! the key to the control is that Graphics.DrawIcon(...) will draw the icon unblurred 32-bit XP quality!! try and see the result! nico
  5. How do you make up then the new DIFFERENCE image?? (if you have all the values)
  6. How do you make a difference image between two frames... i have one frame: an empty tennis court another frame: a tennis court with a player I want to get the difference ==> so the player should be visible alone now in fact (all the pixels value from frame 2) - (all the pixels value from frame 1) but how to do this?? thanks in advance nico
  7. thanks but how to do it manually in .NET???
  8. Yep, that's right... also was searching that... certainly framerate... doesn't seem that there is a property anywhere for that??
  9. I want to follow a tennis bal on an image sequence... How do I do that??
  10. ok, thanks, i will search after it, because I don't know really how to use that event... Flip = rotate 180° (left-right position changes, not top-bottom) thanks nico
  11. How can you place a movie with 50 % transparency on a form?? How can you flip a movie? tnx nico
  12. Yep, but didn't help so much...
  13. Can you work it this a little bit... So for example: I want to capture frame number 100 or the frame on the time '8,43 seconds' ?? How?
  14. No way to solve this??
  15. Nope, that's not the reason: here is the new code which still gives ONE collection item Dim i As Int16, lbl As Label, x As Int16, y As Int16 For i = 1 To 5 lbl = New Label lbl = Label1 lbl.Location = New Point(x, y) Panel1.Controls.Add(lbl) x += 1 y += 1 Next Console.Write(Panel1.Controls.Count)
  16. You have 1 label... how do you Add 4 copies of these to a panel??? If you do this: Dim i As Int16 , lbl As Label For i = 1 To 5 lbl = New Label lbl = Label1 Panel1.Controls.Add(lbl) Next The control collection contains 1 item how do I solve this???
  17. Hi, I have a form which loads data from a database... During this process I want to show up a little Loader (it's an ANIMATED GIF in a borderless form) But the picturebox doesn't show the animation while loading data from the database... How do I solve this?
  18. How do you spin a circle(image) around his center. graph.RotateTransform(angle) graph.DrawImage(....) ==> This rotates the circle around the leftup corner of the image... How do you rotate it around his center?? Thanks Nico
  19. I have a tabpage... In this tabpage I place a form which is much heigher than the tabpage. So the tabpage (panel) creates scrollbars for me.... GREAT But when I add to my form a panel.. He just makes the form much heigher so I can't see the "MOVER" of the scrollbar on the bottom right.... When I resize or minimize and then back maximize the form, the problem seems to have disappeared.... Why is that???
  20. How do you get a frame from a movie (I hope this is what you're doing) in VB.NET or C#.NET??
  21. Hi thanks for the answers, but another question: WILL this be the same if I deploy my application. WIll he automatically find the file??
  22. Hi, I have a few sounds I have to load from code... Where does I have to save these sounds ? In which directory??? Does I have to include them as CONTENT???? Which is the easiest one??? Thanks NIco
  23. I want to connect to a database which is in the directory of all my files??? Does it have to be in the "bin"-directory. And how do I call the path without having a problem afterwards when I try to distribute the application???
  24. I got the same problem.... Use like divil says, the DrawIcon method to Draw an item... I have designed the IconBox control... see NicoLibrary on this forum... Nico
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