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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. I've had pretty much the same experience as Tim. While I do keep my files on a separate partition (technically a separate drive) everything else tends to play better if installed on a single partition.
  2. If you're not going to add a session token to the URL, you'd have to add it to the page itself, and perform nothing but HTTP POST requests to hide it from the user. This would be an absolute nightmare, for both the developer and the end user. I would not recommend this.
  3. INET Non-interactive as I like to put it.
  4. I assume the fields are defined as Unicode data types in the Microsoft Access database.
  5. According to Vertigo Software's press release about it, it apparently only took them a day to get Quake II running under .NET. So, even if they didn't, I'm sure someone with a bit of C/C++ experience with too much time on their hands could do it fairly quickly (and easily).
  6. Yes, simply render the controls. [url=http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemWebUIControlClassRenderControlTopic.asp]Control.RenderControl[/url](writer)
  7. I'm not off track at all. .NET doesn't run on Palm without special development tools and converters. You don't expect Windows XP to run natively on a PowerPC do you?
  8. http://www.vbulletin.com/
  9. You have a memory leak in your application. Make sure you're disposing objects when you're done with them. Remove recursive code calls. Convert them to loops.
  10. Execute an identity select after inserting the record. SELECT @@IDENTITY
  11. joe_pool_is: In all but a very few situations, such as wizards and authentication/authorization redirects, you should instead be using Response.Redirect(). Server.Transfer() has its place, but it is very defined and limited. It should be used when the current request is part of a series of requests (such as a "new user" wizard), where the user shouldn't be navigating to any portion of the wizard directly (it's an all or nothing process, either complete the wizard at that time or don't at all). It should also be used when the user is being denied access to a resource (HTTP response code 401/403), at which time the client shouldn't be given a chance to redirect (HTTP response code 301/303). For all other situations Response.Redirect() is more appropriate. It clearly notifies both the browser and the user of the change in pages. The URL will be updated on the client, the browser's history will reflect the user's location accurately, and most importantly the page will be executing in the intended context.
  12. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=359EA6DA-FC5D-41CC-AC04-7BB50A134556&displaylang=en
  13. Start reading: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemWebUI.asp
  14. TwistedNerve: That will only work on the currently executing page. It will not work between pages, when the Context.Items collection will be flushed, unless Server.Transfer() is being invoked, which is a problem that needs fixing in and of itself.
  15. This is by design. Calls to Server.Transfer() will use the context of the invoking page.
  16. Yes, this (the ASP.NET worker process restarting) is by design.
  17. Yes, it's called Internet Explorer.
  18. Dust. Lots and lots of dust.
  19. You don't need to. Copy the CDs to a DVD or your hard drive and install from there. It's that simple. The trial is just that-- a trial.
  20. I'm saying this from first hand experience (and not from a student perspective): 95% of the "professors" teaching computer-related fields are utter buffoons. Most of the classes would be better off if they were taught by the students themselves.
  21. You'll need to enable TCP port 1433.
  22. To be honest Denaes, if you don't know the difference between a Web service and a Web application you are probably not going to pass any of the Web exams (70-305, 70-315, 70-310, 70-320). I'm not saying this to discourage you however. I'm simply saying you definately need more experience in those areas.
  23. A donation button by itself isn't going to attract too many people. Why? Largely in part to human nature: people forget. You need to remind people to donate. The button is the means, but it isn't the pull.
  24. ... and they're still finding holes in Unix, Linux, Mac OS, BSD, Windows CE/Mobile, Symbian... One hole is all you need. Security is about being proactive and reactive, not about being perfect. No system is invunerable. I'm curious as to why they're not recognizing the .NET platform however. Is it due to the platform itself (the base class libraries to be specific), the languages (this would make very little sense, if any at all), or Windows? I'm inclined to think the latter.
  25. The fact that the NSA can't verify a platform that is 3+ years old, is pathetic.
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