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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. There's generally nothing wrong with MDI. It's how it is implemented that matters.
  2. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconrole-basedsecurity.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemThreadingThreadClassCurrentPrincipalTopic.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemSecurityPrincipalWindowsPrincipalClassTopic.asp
  3. You have three choices: Launch the process with the same credentials that are included in the file/directory ACL. Launch a new thread within the process with the same credentials that are included in the file/directory ACL. Create a new user account for the backup application and assign it to all the files/directories it requires access to.
  4. Try adding an "autocomplete" attribute to the form element, setting it to "off". This will only work in Internet Explorer. <form action="/?" method="post" autocomplete="off">
  5. The poster didn't ask for that information, but I'll agree it's important nonetheless: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=asp.net+page+lifecycle
  6. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemWebUIControlEventsTopic.asp
  7. You'll need to use a RegularExpressionValidator.
  8. I very much agree.
  9. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=78434
  10. Value types can't be null. You need to do something like this: Dim birthdate As DateTime = DateTime.MaxValue If birthdate = DateTime.MaxValue Then cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@TimeIn", Nothing) End If Then again I don't recommend allowing null values into your database, but that's a whole 'nother bag of beans.
  11. You're assuming that the class will be disposed when the page finishes executing. That's not how the garbage collector in .NET works.
  12. Yep. My mistake on the class. Good catch.
  13. I recently took on a project exactly like this (converting a Microsoft Access 97 database with a forms-based interface to Microsoft Access 2002 with a .NET interface; and no, Microsoft Access 2002 wasn't my idea). The only advice I can offer you is this: unless you want to become suicidal, stay away from these projects like the plague. Tell them to buy a commercial solution, or pass the project off to someone else. Even at $150/hour it wouldn't be worth it, especially if the database is corrupted (as it was in my case).
  14. Relative paths are the devil. Avoid them as you would the plague. Dim databasePath As String = Path.Combine(Application.PhysicalApplicationPath, "database\database.mdb")
  15. Response.Redirect() sends a 301/303 HTTP response code to the browser informing it to redirect to the new resource. So, to be picky, execution isn't "shifted", it's completely restarted.
  16. You should be closing the connection as soon as possible-- not when the page is disposed, not when the GC feels like getting to it, not somewhere three methods up the stack. Close it in the method that it's opened, as soon as the data adapter(s) and data reader(s) are done with it. If you don't close and dispose, the connection won't be placed back in the connection pool, and you'll wind up with errors that look like this:
  17. You need to refactor your code. There's no reason why Response.Redirect() needs to come before a call to SqlConnection.Close(). Close the connection and then redirect.
  18. Let me sum up what PlausiblyDamp and Joe Mamma are getting at: you can't do this. Period.
  19. You can do the same thing outside of Visual Studio using the application's configuration file. The "requiredRuntime" and "supportedRuntime" elements are what you're looking for. It's a runtime feature, not a Visual Studio feature. The same feature is present in the .NET Framework 2.0.
  20. UPDATE tblParametre SET [image] = 'goutte.JPG' Image is a reserved keyword (datatype).
  21. No, that's not supported. However, there's nothing stopping you from building your projects outside of Visual Studio. MSBuild makes the process very easy.
  22. Just in case anyone would like further reading on what PlausiblyDamp mentioned, you can search for "Team System". Secondly, SourceGear Vault offers a compelling option: a free, single-user license to its product.
  23. You can do that: Native Image Generator.
  24. Daspoo: It restarts automatically to save Fusion load times when the first ASP.NET resource is requested. In other words, it's a performance feature.
  25. It sounds as if you'd benefit from multiple physical drives, not partitions.
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