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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. Look into the System.Web.Mail namespace. -CL
  2. Not every control in Visual Basic 6 has a .Locked property. As a matter of fact very few of them do. However you may want to take a look at the .ReadOnly property in .NET. -CL
  3. objConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=D:\database.mdb;") ... will work with an Microsoft Access database. Good Luck -CL
  4. I've placed the parts that you should be concerned with in bold (above). You can ignore all the other "garbage" they've thrown in there. Good Luck -CL
  5. sTime = Hour(Now) + 1 & ":" & Minute(Now) & ":" & Second(Now) Good Luck -CL
  6. You can't edit it unless its the current project. -CL
  7. I find it easier as well. The whole nature of the .NET framework lends itself to a hierarchy that is easy to navigate and understand. Add that to the overall acceptable organization of MSDN in the first place as well as a search engine that often finds more than you asked for (whether this is good or bad depends on personal taste) you get a fairly nice help system. -CL
  8. I'm going to assume that your listbox and button are members of the same class. So, all you need to do is declare a class level variable, like so: Class myForm Private Shared myThreadDelegate As New ThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadWork.DoWork) Private Shared myThread As New Thread(myThreadDelegate) End Class [color=green]'myForm[/color] You can then access your thread from any sub or function within the class, including your listbox and button event handlers. However, if your thread creation code resides in another class you'll need take divil's advice and pass references as needed. Good Luck -CL
  9. re: Thinker A lot of the parent classes use various "supporting classes" that Microsoft didn't feel like testing or documenting thoroughly, so they chuck this message in there to warn us. Based on my experience you can simply ignore the message and use the class anyway. -CL
  10. Or you can unload the windows within the ApplicationExit event. Up to you. Good Luck -CL
  11. Application.Exit() Good Luck -CL
  12. You can't, unless the application that will be opening the file is able to receive a command line parameter that specifies to open the file as read-only. The best work around for this is to set the attributes on the specified file to read-only before you open it. Far from perfect however, especially if the application ignores the file's attributes. Good Luck -CL
  13. Yes, you have because of your previous installation of Visual Basic 6. -CL
  14. Do you have the Machine Debug Manager service running and proper user permissions set to use it? Good Luck -CL
  15. I don't believe there's any offical documentation on the control. What are you trying to accomplish with it? I'm sure we'd be of some help. Good Luck -CL
  16. Straight from the .NET SDK: Try myCommand.Connection.Open() Catch myException As OleDbException Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To myException.Errors.Count - 1 MessageBox.Show("Index #" + i.ToString() + ControlChars.Cr _ + "Message: " + myException.Errors(i).Message + ControlChars.Cr _ + "Native: " + myException.Errors(i).NativeError.ToString() + ControlChars.Cr _ + "Source: " + myException.Errors(i).Source + ControlChars.Cr _ + "SQL: " + myException.Errors(i).SQLState + ControlChars.Cr) Next i End Try Good Luck -CL
  17. The whole point of a primary key is to be unique. You can't and shouldn't have two or more with the same value. Good Luck -CL
  18. The window color is not the same as the application workspace color. Two different settings. You'll have to intercept the form's WM_PAINT and WM_SIZE messages and color the workspace manually. Good Luck -CL
  19. Dim windowColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(100, 200, 250) Good Luck -CL
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