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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. Set your webservice's Debug property to True and turn customErrors off. This will allow you to view the error that is being raised.
  2. GetWindow is a hold-over from previous versions of Windows. It shouldn't be used. Public Const GW_CHILD As Long = 5 Public Const GW_NEXT As Long = 2
  3. Application.Exit() ...will completely close any application with or without multiple windows.
  4. So do as NicoVB suggested. Use the Format function to ensure the correct date format after the user has input it.
  5. If you have Visual Studio .NET installed then the .NET Framework will be installed as well, but the SDK (Software Development Kit) might not be. It depends on the options you selected during the installation process. Either way, the examples should run just fine for you.
  6. DataGrid1.PreferredColumnWidth = 400
  7. You don't need to use [api]ShellExecute[/api] in Visual Basic .NET. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://www.visualbasicforum.com/")
  8. Hide the main window instead of closing it. When you close the application's main window the message pump stops, indicating that the program has terminated.
  9. I stand corrected. My apologies. And yes, it is a bad practice if you want to adhere to strict OOP standards.
  10. There are no modules in .NET. (see below)
  11. Dim u As Uri u = Request.Url Response.Write(u.AbsoluteUri)
  12. Not without a little bit of ingenuity. You can try placing the DataGrid in an <iframe> element or place it in a container that supports scrollbars, such as <div>. For the latter you'll need to turn on scrollbars using a style sheet.
  13. They had no choice but to remove them. .NET doesn't support them. Simple as that. And yes, if you have the time to make the proper changes I would remove the DefInstance functions, although they shouldn't cause any problems as they stand.
  14. The web, by nature, is a stateless environment. In order to get around this ASP.NET uses a feature known as ViewState to store information about a page's controls in a hidden form field. When the client submits the page back to the server it reconstructs the controls using this hidden form field (ViewState) and allows the programmer to interact with them easily. What you're doing by editing the controls client-side is invalidating the ViewState, and the server doesn't even know any changes were made. What you'll need to do is make the changes server-side, as ASP.NET intended, or disable viewtstate for the page or for those controls.
  15. If you don't have a window that inherits from System.Windows.Forms then you won't be able to use the Application class.
  16. You don't. You'll have to surround it with HTML tags or a web server control that supports alignment.
  17. That's just one of the limitations of the Standard Edition. You'll need to purchase the Professional Edition or Architect Edition.
  18. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/cpref_start.asp Every version of Visual Studio .NET also comes with the complete MSDN reference, Platform SDK and *gasp* .NET Framework SDK.
  19. Put the text field in its own frame and refresh that frame when need be. If your solution is to be used only by Internet Explorer users and IFrame would work as well.
  20. Oh yes, and Visual Basic 6 and Visual Studio .NET can be installed on the same machine without any problems. I'm running both copies as we speak.
  21. System.Text And its System.Net.Sockets by the way...
  22. There aren't any sound classes. You'll need to use the API functions above that Chief suggested. -CL
  23. You should not be using the Inet Control in .NET. There is absolutely no need for it. Look at the System.Web namespace instead. -CL
  24. You need to translate the Visual Basic 6 API declarations into Visual Basic .NET declarations, which in most cases is fairly easy. You'll also need to import System.Runtime.InteropServices. Good Luck -CL
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