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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. I haven't done so myself, as I have neither the time or need to, but it would be a fairly straightforward task. Consult the FTP RFC to learn more about the protocol.
  2. The .NET framework includes limited support for FTP. You'll need to implement the FTP protocol manually or use a third party control, if they are available.
  3. Dim s As SendKeys Dim pimage As Image s.Send("%{PRTSC}") Dim cdata As IDataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject() pimage = cdata.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap) PictureBox1.Image = pimage
  4. SQL queries require a database server that interprets them. You can't execute SQL statements without one.
  5. I already gave you a working example... http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39260
  6. Try getting the data after you printscreen, not beforehand.
  7. This isn't a problem. This is good coding practice.
  8. Different developers work on independent components, hence the main use of DLLs.
  9. Urgh. There are so many things wrong with that code. :) For starters you're using ADO. That's a no no. Secondly, you're late binding, also a no no. Thirdly, cut down on the use of "_" s. You'll save yourself coding time. Try ADO.NET and early binding. Search this board for a few examples.
  10. Might try chucking the formula in some parenthesis. Order of operations could be messing things up. This is just an uneducated guess. SELECT * FROM STOCK WHERE ((ONHAND + ONORDER) < RESERVE) ORDER BY NUMBER
  11. I'm not sure I follow you on this. Can you rephrase it? It stands for Interprocess communication. Some methods to take note of are DDE (outdated), file-based communication, [api]SendMessage[/api] with/without WM_COPYDATA, [api]ReadProcessMemory[/api]/[api]WriteProcessMemory[/api], and System.Runtime.Remoting. This last one is solely related to .NET.
  12. We all do it reboot. I know I have. :)
  13. It's very easy to have multiple projects in one solution. Just add another one. However, what you're trying to do isn't quite that simple. Each project runs as its own process and therefore has its own address space. It's possible to communicate between two processes using various IPC techniques, but with global variables? No.
  14. Are you using VB.NET Standard by any chance?
  15. Protected Overrides Sub OnResize(ByVal e As System.EventArgs) If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then Me.Visible = False End If End Sub
  16. You need to create an IEnumerator interface to read the values out of the ArrayList. ArrayLists, along with other collections, implement IEnumerable.GetEnumerator which means you need to retrieve the values using IEnumerator. Dim myEnumerator As System.Collections.IEnumerator = _ myList.GetEnumerator() While myEnumerator.MoveNext() Console.Write(ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myEnumerator.Current) End While
  17. That's what he said.
  18. If DateTimePicker1.Value.Equals(Nothing) Then
  19. You are correct. Once you close the application's main window the message pump stops, effectively closing the program.
  20. You could choose to skip the wizard and create the connection manually. Dim objConnection As OLEDBConnection objConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=D:\database.mdb;") objConnection.Open() 'Perform actions here objConnection.Close()
  21. How is _files being declared? Are you redimensioning it to accomodate the numerous array elements?
  22. You should be opening the about form modally. AboutForm.ShowDialog()
  23. Also make sure to start the message pump using Application.Run().
  24. Derek Stone


    You'll need to implement the FTP protocol using System.Net.Sockets, as there is little built in support for it. I've yet to see a .NET example, however the numerous VB6 examples are easily convertable. Google.com will be your best bet for finding a decent one.
  25. I strongly suggest you look at the definition of integer. Then take a look at the Decimal data type.
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