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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. Depends. Are you accessing the Web application from a domain account? If not, you'll need to. If you are, make sure that domain account has access granted to it on the database server. Also make sure that Internet Explorer (which I assume you're using) has "Enable Integrated Windows Authentication" checked (Tools | Internet Options... | Advanced).
  2. You can do it assuming the account that you're running under doesn't have administrative permissions (more specifically the ability to reassign ownership and assign access rights). I'm sure one could install a file system driver atop of NTFS that would regulate something like this, but again, it could be disabled by an administrator. Your best bet is to encrypt the files, and stop trying to hide porn from your mother.
  3. Add the "ASPNET" user (in Microsoft Windows 2000/XP) to the ACL of the file or directory, granting permissions as need be (read/write/modify/delete). In Microsoft Windows Server 2003 you'll need to add permissions using the identity under which the application pool is running for the ASP.NET application in question.
  4. iframeControl.Attributes("src") = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString("page")) Obviously you'll need to add in further checks to prevent additional XSS vulnerabilities. Ideally, the "page" variable should be an integer value which maps to the actual page.
  5. Microsoft Access | Tools | Database Utilities | Upsizing Wizard Save yourself the hassle and move the data into a Microsoft SQL Server database prior to transforming it. Been there, done that.
  6. It's not a bug, but a missing feature. I wouldn't use it per se, since I use Notepad or a slightly more endowed equivalent for my ASP.NET coding tasks, but I can see why others would certainly want the feature present.
  7. Unless you create a Web Application project, Visual Studio .NET will not display those tabs. God only knows as to why that's the current behavior. The only solution is to create a project, and edit the file through there. And yes, I realize that's not practical. MSDN Product Feedback Center
  8. I've never used the backup feature present in SourceGear Vault. I think for the most part it's there for the users who aren't adept with Microsoft SQL Server. I find it much easier to schedule automated daily backups with Enterprise Manager (or the command line). I know this isn't the exact answer you were looking for, but touch cookies. :)
  9. Dim currentContext As System.Web.HttpContext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current Dim hostIPAddess As String If Not currentContext Is Nothing Then hostIPAddress = currentContext.Request.UserHostAddress End If
  10. You should bake your brain, not fry it. Baking is healthier.
  11. An exception is being thrown. That simple.
  12. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 7.1/8.0 runs on Microsoft Windows Server 2003. We've been using 7.1 for months and 8.0 for a good week now.
  13. The easiest method is to attach a filter to the page's output stream. Examples of these filters are all over the place.
  14. Cookies are cookies are cookies. A cookie written from ASP.NET can be read from ASP/PHP/ColdFusion and vice versa. Each cookie has a name and values. All of those languages expose collection objects to read those values.
  15. SourceGear's download page for Vault is a bit confusing. It took me a minute to realize what files I needed to download, and even then, I wasn't positive.
  16. Windows Explorer is fine unless you're experiencing hardward problems. There's probably just a bad shell extension causing memory violations. Download ShellExView and disable everything that isn't from the Microsoft Corporation.
  17. Why would you be dynamically changing the text on a button? A user's language doesn't change from page to page. That should all be done server-side.
  18. What the heck are you people doing? Throwing the machine down a flight of stairs while SP2 is installing? I've deployed it to over 75 machines now, manually, via Ghost 8.0 and through SMS. Absolutely no problems.
  19. You'll need to use JavaScript and the exposed DOM to change the button's text on the client.
  20. %SYSTEMROOT%\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Favorites
  21. You shouldn't even be considering Microsoft Access. It doesn't scale, and it's not reliable.
  22. Do you honestly think the Web server has access to files on your computer? You're giving server-side code a path that resolves to a file on your computer. Think about it. You need to save the bytes sent to the Web server from the client to a local file on the server, and then and only then attach it. Use the HttpPostedFile.InputStream property to read and save the file.
  23. I own and drive a gold 1993 Buick LeSabre Custom which I bought for $2750. The starter **** the bed, and I had it replaced for $200. The water pump died, and I replaced it for $32. I saved myself $30,000 - $200 - $32, as I like to put it. I never did see the point in putting yourself in debt for something that looks slightly better. *shrug* Plus, I have the benefit of being able to drive through just about anything, including small trees, steel gates and Minis. Built Ford Buick tough.
  24. This happens all the time.
  25. It can't be formatted because browsers won't let it be formatted. This is for security reasons, so let's be happy it's there. Regardless, you don't have a choice otherwise.
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