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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. Alternatively, you could overload the form's constructor (New).
  2. String.Split
  3. Coerce the string into a byte array using System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes().
  4. Divil's quite correct (he usually is). While you can create CCWs for .NET DLLs, an ActiveX control environment such as the VB6 IDE isn't going to recognize the .NET-generated user control classes.
  5. You're trying to access elements of a variable which isn't an array.
  6. You can't hide or disable individual tabs, although you can add and remove them. It's generally not an acceptable practice anyway.
  7. You could always Inherit TreeView, but that seems like a tad bit overkill. Up to you though.
  8. All of those except UserDomainName should work fine in Windows 98 and ME. Are you sure something else isn't throwing an exception?
  9. The first parameter in Substring is 0 based. That means the first character would be Substring(0,1).
  10. There's an example of using Excel from VB.NET in this board. Try searching for it.
  11. FrmTrace is a class, not an instance of the class. .NET doesn't support default form instances as VB6 did, so therefore you have to create an instance of the form manually.
  12. ListViews don't account for carriage returns (new lines) so you're pretty much out of luck. You might want to look for an alternative to the ListView.
  13. Windows 95 is 7 years old. Microsoft would have a fairly difficult time marketing a framework that still has legacy support for the worst OS they ever produced.
  14. There isn't a .NET equivalent to OLE.
  15. No, you can't.
  16. Dim dTime As System.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now MessageBox.Show(dTime.ToLongDateString(),"")
  17. Because VB6 is horrible when it comes to proper coding, to put it rather bluntly. VB.NET is an utter godsend.
  18. Try InnoSetup.
  19. Have your setup program launch the installations for MDAC and MSDE if they're not installed.
  20. Check the registry to see if these components are installed. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MDACVer.Version\CurVer
  21. You'd create a small VB.NET application that would be launched after the kiosk application is started. The VB.NET program would then call [api]ShowWindow[/api], after retrieving the button's window handle using [api]FindWindowEx[/api], and then terminate. [api]ShowWindow[/api] would only need to be called once, since the button will remain hidden even after the VB.NET application is closed.
  22. An alternative would be to call [api]ShowWindow[/api] and hide the button altogether.
  23. You need to printscreen in the button's click event, not after the dialog is already shown.
  24. Dim oConnection As New SqlConnection Dim oCommand As New SqlCommand Dim oDataReader As SqlDataReader oConnection.ConnectionString = "user id=;password=;database=;server=;Connect Timeout=15" oConnection.Open() oCommand.Connection = oConnection oCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM myTable" oDataReader = oCommand.ExecuteReader() While oDataReader.Read() 'Loop though data End While oDataReader.Close() oConnection.Close()
  25. Have you declared a PrintDocument object?
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