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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. Try implementing a IEnumerator interface instead. Dim ieNodes As System.Collections.IEnumerator = alNodes.GetEnumerator While ieNodes.MoveNext 'Remove End While
  2. Derek Stone


    It would help if you told me what application has that menu. [edit]I take you're referring to VS.NET. You'll need to recreate that yourself.[/edit]
  3. Would you like anything else on a silver platter? ;)
  4. X1.Text = Math.Round(Decimal.Parse(Y1.Text) / Decimal.Parse(Z.Text) * 100, 3).ToString()
  5. Derek Stone


    From what "edit menu"? The RichTextBox class has a Find method, but it only searches for the text. It doesn't ask the user what they want to search for. You have to create the find dialog yourself with a form class.
  6. Dim wcDownload As New System.Net.WebClient() Dim bDatabuffer As Byte() = wcDownload.DownloadData("") Dim sDatabuffer as String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bDatabuffer)
  7. Dim d As Decimal d = Math.Round(3.1415, 3) 'Returns 3.142
  8. Intercept and ignore WM_PASTE. Clearing the user's clipboard is just going to aggrevate them.
  9. Derek Stone


    The following will show a context menu, but there isn't a "standard find dialog" anywhere in the .NET framework. ContextMenu.Show(MyButton1, New Point(100, 100))
  10. http://www.aspalliance.com/shark/articles/FtpView/FtpViewDoc.aspx
  11. Have it sleep for 500 milliseconds at a time. This will prevent the application from using "100%" of the processor.
  12. Here you go: http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45468
  13. Try the following. String.Format("Total amount paid over " & txtYears.Text & " years: {0,7}", FormatCurrency(totalCost))
  14. See the attachment for an example.
  15. Call the Sleep method of the Thread class (System.Threading) if you don't want the code to execute constantly. After all, that's what a loop does.
  16. Overload the forms' constructers and pass a reference of the main form to them. This will allow you to access the main form from any of the secondary forms.
  17. Which ones? I should be able to whip up an example for you.
  18. http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45277
  19. We actually have quite an extensive group of users that help out on this forum. Unfortunately not many of them have had the chance to become comfortable with .NET. A few of us, including myself and divil, started developing in .NET long before Microsoft was making a big deal about it. We've been using .NET for 8 months now, while others are just being introduced to it.
  20. Without modifying any code I moved a TextBox on and off a TabPage. On either container the above code worked just fine. I have a feeling there's another error in your code somewhere.
  21. Response.Write("<script>alert('Greetings!');</script>")
  22. Attach the project if you can. You have me wondering.
  23. Once you fully understand the development style used in ASP.NET things tend to be produced at a slightly faster rate than ASP. As a beginner though, you'll most likely feel the opposite is true. Then again, that's how it goes with every language.
  24. 1. A dialog is programmer developed. Message boxes are windows predefined by the OS. 2. Code is executed server-side, so any user interface element needs to be sent to the browser as HTML. So yes, it's very much possible using Response.Write().
  25. System.Data.SqlClient supports SQL Server 7.0 and higher. However you can still access all version of SQL Server through the System.Data.OleDb namespace. SqlClient simply provides a faster and more efficient means of access. MSDE is a slightly limited version of SQL Server, since it only allows for databases up to 2GB in size. It's also optimized for use by 2 - 4 users, although you won't notice a difference with a much higher load.
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