Make a call to Marshal.AllocHGlobal which will return an IntPtr to a memory location. Call Marshal.Copy to transfer the managed byte array to unmanaged memory. Then call .ToInt32 on the IntPtr to convert the pointer to an integer that GetJob will recognize. Finally unallocate the memory using Marshal.FreeHGlobal. Catch all that? ;)
The Add method of the Items collection takes an Object type, in other words anything. Create a class that is able to hold the data that you need for each item and add that to the Items collection instead of a string. Just make sure the class overrides ToString, as that is what will be displayed in the ListBox/ComboBox.
Dim dtNow As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim dtLater As DateTime = dtNow.AddDays(1)
Dim tsDiff As TimeSpan = dtLater.Subtract(dtNow)
MessageBox.Show(tsDiff.ToString(), "")
The easiest method would consist of reading the file in line by line and calling String.Split(). You could easily produce a 2-dimensional array using this method.
Dim i As Int32 = 32000, ii As Int32, c As Int32
Dim b As Byte() = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(i), bb As Byte() : ReDim bb(3)
bb(0) = b(3)
bb(1) = b(2)
bb(2) = b(1)
bb(3) = b(0)
ii = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(bb, 0)
Public Sub ShowMyDialogBox()
Dim testDialog As New Form2()
' Show testDialog as a modal dialog and determine if DialogResult = OK.
If testDialog.ShowDialog(Me) = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
' Read the contents of testDialog's TextBox.
result.Text = testDialog.TextBox1.Text
result.Text = "Cancelled"
End If
End Sub 'ShowMyDialogBox
You can set the value of DialogResult in the properties of each of the dialog's buttons.
Build equates to the number of days since Janurary 1, 2000 and revision the number of seconds since midnight.
Since you want a strict "up by one" increment you could code a simple function that keeps track of the number of builds in a text file or the registry by increasing the counter in Sub Main or the form's load event. Of course this would require an addition to each project.
In cross-page links anchors don't work as they should (at least in IE). The best suggestion I can offer to you is to keep the page-length relatively short, so the user doesn't have to scroll.