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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. I've had this happen to me. Apparently I was attempting to invoke a method of the Form class that can't be called until the window associated with the class is created. Of course this was a mistake on my part, but your error seems to be thrown from the IDE itself.
  2. The link opens in Internet Explorer if you're using Mozilla (and I would assume Netscape as well). Opera chucks an error at you. And yes, I would like to see ms-help links recognized. The hack would be ridiculously simple.
  3. Thanks for pointing that out. All taken care of.
  4. Wyrd is correct. .NET DLLs don't require the COM based registration we're used to, and in fact you can have multiple versions of the same component installed side-by-side. In fact, you can even use the DLLs on your web server as long as ASP.NET is installed. No additional server-side steps need to be taken, such as running RegSvr32. Using a DLL in ASP.NET is a bit different from using one in ASP, so feel free to start another thread about doing so.
  5. Thank God it's there. Back in VB6 you only got a 32-bit parameter to work with, and had to use it as a pointer if you wanted to pass more than a long integer. Then in the callback you had to allocate memory and set it to the passed pointer. Sure, it wasn't exactly hard to do, but this saves us the trouble.
  6. Appears the Squirm filter isn't working. Add that to the list.
  7. We'll consider a subforum when the need arises for one. Right now though Managed DirectX isn't exactly popular, so a forum wouldn't make much sense at the moment.
  8. While I partially agree with what divil offered, I have to think that it's more of a tactic by Microsoft to leave functions that haven't been thoroughly tested undocumented. I don't blame them for doing so, as the framework is rather "young". I doubt divil or I can really back up either of our theories on the matter, but they certainly do make us wonder.
  9. The favicon.ico file is the same as it was at VBF. Add that to the list.
  10. He did say this: Setting that aside however, I don't see how these removals are much of a suprise. I'm definately not trying to hurt anyone by this, but as you implied above it doesn't make sense to have a badge you haven't earned.
  11. This is .NET, and no longer Visual Basic. New experts and gurus will be chosen over the course of the next week. It makes no sense to award titles that don't apply at this forum, and we don't intend to.
  12. Try more than one INSERT at a time. dbCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO products( [iD], [catcount] ,[agrpcount] ," & _ "[pgrpcount] ,[order], [code], [name], [thumbnail], [image], [price]" & _ ", [cost], [desc], [weight], [taxable], [active]) VALUES (33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33); " & _ "INSERT INTO products( [iD], [catcount] ,[agrpcount] ," & _ "[pgrpcount] ,[order], [code], [name], [thumbnail], [image], [price]" & _ ", [cost], [desc], [weight], [taxable], [active]) VALUES (33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33); " & _ "INSERT INTO products( [iD], [catcount] ,[agrpcount] ," & _ "[pgrpcount] ,[order], [code], [name], [thumbnail], [image], [price]" & _ ", [cost], [desc], [weight], [taxable], [active]) VALUES (33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33); " & _ "INSERT INTO products( [iD], [catcount] ,[agrpcount] ," & _ "[pgrpcount] ,[order], [code], [name], [thumbnail], [image], [price]" & _ ", [cost], [desc], [weight], [taxable], [active]) VALUES (33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33)"
  13. Well, a page's code-behind is its own file and it can access Application and Session variables. A class that isn't specified as the page's code-behind won't be able to access those collections however.
  14. Yeah, both ways will work. You can teach people shortcuts or teach them how it really works. Generally I like a mix of the two. That's why I suggested AllocHGlobal().
  15. There really isn't a .NET equivalent to VarPtr, in managed memory at least. What you have to do is allocate unmanaged memory using System.Runtime.InteropServices.AllocHGlobal(), which will then return an IntPtr. This is your variable pointer.
  16. Are you using the DataGrid on a Web Form or a Windows Form?
  17. ADO.NET is hands down faster than ADO, especially when used in conjunction with SQL Server. If your code is running slower it is due to poor programming, not ADO.NET.
  18. http://www.elitevb.com/content/01,0077,01/01.aspx
  19. There's your problem. You call .Add 5000 times and .Update another 5000 times. Try to create more than one row at a time using SQL.
  20. You could create your own Split function. We can't expect the framework to do it all you know. :)
  21. EOF: SqlDataReader.Read = False BOF: No equivalent and no need for one. It's the beginning if you haven't called .Read yet. Field collection: Item Collection
  22. http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45326
  23. You need to set dwLanguageId to &H0. Private Declare Unicode Sub SetLastError Lib "kernel32" ( _ ByVal dwErrCode As Int32) Private Declare Unicode Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Int32 Private Declare Ansi Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias "FormatMessageA" ( _ ByVal dwFlags As Int32, _ ByVal lpSource As Int32, _ ByVal dwMessageId As Int32, _ ByVal dwLanguageId As Int32, _ ByVal lpBuffer As StringBuilder, _ ByVal nSize As Int32, _ ByVal Arguments As Int32) As Int32 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load SetLastError(1) Dim sBuffer As New StringBuilder(512) Dim iReturn As Int32 iReturn = FormatMessage(&H1000, 0, GetLastError(), &H0, sBuffer, sBuffer.Capacity, 0) If iReturn Then MessageBox.Show(sBuffer.ToString, Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) Else MessageBox.Show("FormatMessage failed to return an error string.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End If End Sub I also changed the declaration to use the StringBuilder class instead. It seems to be a bit more capable. [edit]&H0 is the value of LANG_NEUTRAL.[/edit]
  24. This is the VB.NET board. Post your Visual Basic 6 questions in the Visual Basic board.
  25. Just to make note of it, you can access Application and Session data from a code-behind. Page.Application.Session("someVariable") = "someData"
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