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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. Calling the Close method of a connection object will close the connection, but it will not destroy the connection object, nor will it clear values that are stored in other objects that may be associated to data retrieval. Make sure you're not caching values elsewhere.
  2. Use INSERT. AddNew() and binding is garbage. strSQL = "INSERT INTO myTable (Column1, Column2) VALUES ('pruebens', 'Derek Stone')" If you want to use default values for a field just don't specify the column or a value.
  3. Yes, String.Insert() should work quite well in a For/Next loop.
  4. Dim i As Integer = Int32.Parse(ComboBox1.Text) + Int32.Parse(ComboBox2.Text) MessageBox.Show(i.ToString(), Application.ProductName)
  5. I don't see anyone telling him he can't express his opinion, however his argument is slim to nothing.
  6. Use the solution Bucky posted. I wasn't aware of that until now.
  7. [api]EnumPrinters[/api]
  8. Use the TextBox's Validating event.
  9. [mshelp]ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS/cpref/html/frlrfSystemWebMail.htm[/mshelp]
  10. Try setting NotifyIcon1.Visible = False in the properties window.
  11. You should not be using COM in .NET unless you absolutely have to. Instead, use a TextBox's Validating event, checking for the proper format using .NET's built in Regular Expressions and the basic string and currency functions.
  12. I'm really lost as to your mentioning of MaskedEditBox, since there isn't one in .NET. Are you using a third party control? Inheriting from the base TextBox class?
  13. Try copying the Visual Studio .NET CDs to your hard disk before you install next time. Too many cases of failed setups are a result of CD-ROM based errors, not "real" problems.
  14. You really should be declaring newobj as the exact type the XML file will be deserialized into. As it stands currently, you're trying to read it into an Object. Also keep in mind that not everything serializes to XML correctly. Certain classes and objects just won't be formatted correctly.
  15. The only type of error that myself and others have run across concerning HTTPS is a result of an invalid certificate on the secure server. The certificate may have expired or is not signed by a trusted source. Make sure that isn't the case.
  16. As long as you have access to a SMTP server then System.Web.Mail will do all that you need.
  17. You can't use <object> tags, since they are client-side, nor can you use Server.CreateObject, since that method is present in order to access COM DLLs. Instead, what you should do is compile the page as a code-behind, referencing the VB.NET DLL in your compiler arguments. Then, it's just a simple matter of importing that namespace, declaring an instance of the class and invoking its methods.
  18. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49577 I already supplied to you, months back, code that reads/writes to cells in Excel. All you need to do is put these two examples together.
  19. We'll need to see the code that creates the TextBoxes.
  20. I'm not aware of any method of setting focus to other windows outside your application without using the Win32 API.
  21. There is no way of checking to see if the .NET Framework is installed short of hex editing your application after its built. Even then, I'm unsure as to the results.
  22. Since this is a web project, are you sure this code is being executed? The data isn't going to sort client-side, so in other words you're going to need to post the page back to the server in the event that the user requests a resort. Also, turn view state on for the page. Controls will lose their settings otherwise. I am just guessing here though. Other things could very well be causing this.
  23. I just posted an example of connecting to SQL Server in a recent thread. Try searching for it. The code to connect to an Access database is almost identical to it. Simply replace all instances of "Sql" with "OleDb" and change the connection string.
  24. Depends whether you're using UDP or TCP. The latter needs little additional error handling at the protocol level, while the former needs quite a bit.
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