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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. No, there is no built-in [X]HTML attribute that allows for this.
  2. You'll want to use "Or" instead of the pipe symbol. Add to that the fact that it takes a lot more to shutdown a Windows NT based system than a simple call to ExitWindowsEx. You'll need to acquire the proper security permissions beforehand.
  3. You'll need to make a call to the Win32 API function CreateFile which returns an IntPtr that can be used in the constructer of a FileStream object.
  4. Or is Visual Basic .NET making life a tad bit too easy?
  5. I would hardly consider the Microsoft Document Explorer to be a viable browser for most users. *Shrug*
  6. Is the volume that the file is located on formatted as NTFS?
  7. Did you follow the instructions outlined in the error message?
  8. Calling the [msdn]System.Diagnostics.Process[/msdn].Start method should do exactly what you want, assuming that the proper permissions for .NET are set.
  9. Tabbed browsing is relatively new in Mozilla so I'd expect it to take at least another year to perfect. Mozilla is also reorganizing its roadmap for its browser and mail client, and as a result we're going to see huge speed benefits. Mozilla is a very solid choice, but when it comes to speed it is undoubtedly the slowest.
  10. Yes, absolutely. Either move both file operations to run consecutively on one thread, or create a [msdn=System.Threading.Mutex]mutex[/msdn] indicating that the file is being accessed.
  11. Aurora, IL
  12. You shouldn't be concerned with the Active property once you've inherited from TcpClient. Use the Poll method instead.
  13. The proper .NET way would be to create a web control that outputs the appropriate string to the browser, however you can still use simple server-side includes: <!--#INCLUDE FILE="file.ext" -->
  14. Private Const SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER As Integer = 20 Private Const SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE As Integer = &H1 SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, "C:\bitmap.bmp", SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE) You will need to declare SystemParametersInfo first, of course.
  15. You can retrieve the state from the TcpClient's underlying socket through TcpClient.Client. You'll need to inherit from TcpClient to access this property, since it is protected. The Active property, to which you're referring to, is not updated when the connection is closed by the remote host.
  16. TcpClient.Client is the connection's underlying socket from which you can retrieve endpoint information. You'll need to inherit from TcpClient, since Client is a protected property.
  17. For a long time Internet Explorer was the only browser to use, but that time has long since passed. As it stands now, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape and Opera are all viable solutions. Standards support has increased in all of them in the past year. Features such as tabbed browsing and popup-blocking are found in all the newest versions (except for Internet Explorer), and these are huge productivity aids, to say in the least. There are pros and cons to all the major browsers, but they're slowly being worked out. It would be rather uneducated to judge any of the top browsers. Take a week and try one of them out. You might just find something useful.
  18. INI files aren't even an option anymore. Use XML files, storing them in the user's application data directory and not in the directory of the application. System administrators who have more than three brain cells won't have write/modify permissions set to the Program Files directory.
  19. You can not use Response.Redirect() to achieve what you're trying to do. ASP.NET does not provide any support for frames.
  20. No, absolutely not. Think of the security implications.
  21. Don't use absolute positioning.
  22. Decimal.Floor() is the non-language oriented (and dare I say correct method) of rounding down a decimal value to the nearest whole number.
  23. Let it be noted that the RegEx times will decrease by almost half once the application is running without debug symbols. Obviously the raw string manipulation is still many times faster, however.
  24. It's hardly that complicated. Accessing the USB port does not require COM interoperation, just some simple calls to the Win32 API.
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