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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. My response to that is who cares? ;)
  2. In what context is the error ocurring? For all ASP.NET pages or simply ones that access data? Make sure that everyone has read permissions on %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET (and all directories below it), and %SystemRoot%.
  3. Use MSDE. The SQL Server ADO.NET provider is a number of times better than the OleDB or Odbc ones.
  4. My response to that is who cares? Successful websites are developed in HTML and JavaScript, not ActiveX, VBScript and CSS scrollbar attributes. Innovation is a necessity, but unless someone actually uses it there is no longterm value.
  5. You'll connect to the database using an instance of the System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection class, assuming you have version 1.1 of the .NET Framework installed. If this is not the case, please read this article: Exploring MySQL in the Microsoft .NET Environment.
  6. No kidding. I forget it time and time again.
  7. The garbage collector in .NET is inherently lazy. This is its best characteristic. Yes, you heard me correctly-- its best characteristic. If the collection algorithm constantly caused memory to be freed, you see a significant decrease in performance of your application. Instead, the GC frees memory only when it needs to be freed and I assure you that's not as often as one would think. If you have 3 .NET applications taking up 60MB of memory on a system with 256MB (which is measly nowadays), I don't really see the problem, as there isn't one. If other applications need memory the GC will free up what is needed and that's the end of it. As it stands now I have Mozilla, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Document Explorer open on my system. Each of them is taking up 25MB+. Does it matter? Not at all, and they're not even running on .NET. The point is these applications are taking up the same amount of memory as your .NET applications-- and more importantly vice-versa.
  8. You need to make sure ASP.NET is configured in IIS. Search this forum, as this topic has been covered numerous times.
  9. Dim oWebRequest As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://www.google.com/") Dim oNetworkCredential As NetworkCredential = New NetworkCredential("user", "password") oWebRequest.PreAuthenticate = True oWebRequest.Credentials = oNetworkCredential Dim oWebResponse As WebResponse = oWebRequest.GetResponse()
  10. Eh... I'm feeling generous.visual studio .net.zip
  11. I disgust myself on occasion... SpoolSpy
  12. You might want to get rid of all your table elements, in favor of layers, remove the useless font tags you have in there and transfer the majority of your tag attributes to their CSS equivalents.
  13. You're going about this the wrong way. Instead of looking for an event (the web is a stateless environment, no matter how much one would like it otherwise) that signifies a user leaving, keep track of when they have been there. Each time a user visits a page update a "LastActivity" field in your database with the current date and time. Then, on your "who's online" page, query for those users who have been active within the last 15 minutes or so.
  14. Create different data access layers (DALs) that conform to one interface. public interface IDataProvider { bool UserExists(); } public class MySqlProvider : IDataProvider { public bool UserExists { } }
  15. http://www.olero.com/ormweb/index.aspx
  16. This can only be done using a client-side scripting language, such as JavaScript. This can not be done directly from ASP.NET. <body onunload="java[b][/b]script:alert('This page is unloading.')">
  17. This problem is addressed here: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=72211#post365760
  18. I'm taking a huge leap here, but are you trying to read the same session state object from both ASP and ASP.NET pages? This, I assure you, will not work without some doing, but I'm inclined to think this still isn't your problem. I'm otherwise stumped as to why you can't get sessions working. If you post all the relevant files I'd be willing to go over them to make sure they aren't the problem.
  19. Are cookies enabled on your machine? Are the pages within the same application? Is session state enabled on those pages in question? Are you using Forms Authentication? If/when is the cookie set to expire in your browser's cache? I hate to throw out basic questions such as those to you Paul but I haven't encountered any problems in using session state within ASP.NET, so I can only think of checking the simple things that we all overlook.
  20. CAST(key2 AS int) Ultimately you should be asking yourself why you're storing a numeric value in a string/character type however.
  21. Microsoft's Foundation Classes (MFC) are not C++ runtimes, and shouldn't be misconstrued as such. These classes are entirely optional, and are not required by any means.
  22. The client-side ID for a specific control is stored in the Control.ClientID property. This ID can be used with the W3C DOM and JavaScript, which is what you're looking for.
  23. Wyrd, bungpeng is referring to Java Server Pages (JSP), not Java applets. Huge difference.
  24. Add to that the fact that each user has a profile field that they can fill in indicating their preferred .NET language. Most people choose not to do this unfortunately and those people answering questions can't open the user's profile to see what language he/she wants examples coded in.
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