Try passing the previous page the user viewed to the current page via it's query string or through a post back. Reimplementing a back button otherwise is simply poor practice.
C# programmers earn more than VB.NET programmers. The reasons why are clear, but rather uneducated in many cases and very frustrating to those programmers who write excellently in VB.NET.
No. You'll need to either copy the control to the other site or reconfigure the second Web application to use a custom assembly probing path if both applications reside on the same server.
MSDE is the desktop version of SQL Server. It was built for applications like yours and is very easy to install alongside your software. You should look into using it over the other options you've outlined. If it turns out for some reason you can't or won't use MSDE I'd stick with Microsoft Access, since XML and text files just aren't scaleable.
Does it really matter if the primary key value "goes to waste"? That's the question that needs to be asked. It's nice to see neatly incremented values, but in the real world things don't work that way. You should consider Robby's circumvention statement, above.
Maybe its a classic case of you being uneducated...
You can compile unmanaged applications (applications that don't utilize .NET) using C++ in Visual Studio .NET (those editions that support it).
Do me a favor and try Mozilla and Opera for a week or more a piece. If you come out of it still liking Internet Explorer then more power to you. I'm not here to tell you which browser to use because that decision is up to you. However, I really don't appreciate people who come into a religious debate without a clue as to what they're fighting about. I've done it in the past, but I refuse to ever do it again. It's time people get educated.
Not to be argumentative, but am I the only one who fails to see the use of the Google toolbar? Mozilla and Opera already... ooo... that's right. I forgot about Internet Explorer users...
My work includes upgrades to my company's accounting system, an upcoming government contract, The WhiteCrow Project, and of course EliteVB (yes, we do update it occasionally).
When the page is posted back to the server read the property of the DropDownList and use that to set the property of the secondary (DataGrid) control.
If Page.IsPostBack Then
Control2.Customer = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text
End If
Interprocess communications are widely done using sockets, and that's most likely your best bet. I'd also use a [msdn=System.Threading.Mutex]mutex[/msdn] for the detection of the receiving application. That'll save you a bit of code.
The TextBox class has Multiline and AcceptsReturn properties. AcceptsReturn doesn't magically disappear when Multiline is set to false. I could go on with further examples.
You have the option of ignoring properties, which is one thing, but hiding or disabling them is an entirely different practice which no one should partake in. Designer or no designer.