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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/prntspol_7mgj.asp
  2. If you post the code in question I'm sure one of us can offer advice on how to make it a lot more robust.
  3. Make sure that the garbage collector isn't disposing your delegate prior to the callback function being invoked by TAPI. You might need to call [msdn=System.GC.KeepAlive]GC.KeepAlive()[/msdn] on the object.
  4. Unless the application is compiled in debug mode and the *.pdb files are present, you're not going to be able to retrieve the line numbers regardless of what you do. There's generally no need to do this anyway. If the method in question is so long that you can't find the problem line of code, you need to refactor, refactor and refactor some more. Exactly.
  5. You would need to install a custom protocol handler into the registry. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PROTOCOLS\Handler\
  6. PRB: Per Request Impersonation Does Not Work on Windows 2000 with ASP.NET
  7. Set the SqlCommand.CommandTimeout property.
  8. http://www.nvidia.com/page/nforce4_sli.html
  9. Sleep would be nice.
  10. The "dtsrunui.exe" utility found in "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn" might be of some help. It should list the available DTS packages loaded in a Microsoft SQL Server instance. If you're looking to do this programmatically, I'm not sure.
  11. XML will never be performant with the exception of binary XML (see W3C XML Binary Characterization Group). Suggesting XML as a solution to a performance problem is usually, if not always, misguided.
  12. The author hasn't "done" anything except rehash the largest software design pattern used in the last ten years.
  13. http://www.orafaq.com/faqsql.htm#TOP
  14. EXEC sp_attach_db 'foobar', 'default.mdf', 'default_log.ldf'
  15. You would refresh the data using the same exact method you used to retrieve the data in the first place.
  16. Why not simply run the application using the logon scripts defined by Active Directory? .NET remoting has very little to do with launching processes remotely. Remoting is a communications protocol used for developing distributed applications.
  17. Does the following not work? UPDATE [TMDENTS] SET [Descript] = 'Foobar' WHERE [iD] = 1
  18. Yes, Joe Mamma, but the point is the window.showModalDialog() method is only defined by Internet Explorer. Regardless, one can achieve the same thing using window.Open().
  19. I don't believe I've ever created a class that needed a parameter to be passed to its constructor. If the parameter is null the code throws a descriptive exception to the caller on invocation of a method (or less likely a property accessor) that requires the parameter. This is normal.
  20. I don't see what difference it would make. What in particular are you trying to accomplish, or should I say "protect"? Classes are, after all, meant to be instantiated.
  21. Serializable classes have to have a default public constructor. No buts about it.
  22. Run the XML file through xsd.exe (Microsoft .NET SDK), which will generate an XSD schema. You can then run the XSD through wsdl.exe (Microsoft .NET SDK) which will generate the Visual Basic, C# or Visual J# code for you.
  23. You can create, modify and delete registry keys and values using the [msdn]Microsoft.Win32.Registry[/msdn] class. The path to your application is retrieved as follows: Dim applicationPath As String = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location Most programs add keys and values to the registry when they are installed, and also when they are run for the first time. It is up to you to decide which keys and values are persisted and when.
  24. Perhaps posting the code for the "INSERT" would be beneficial to all?
  25. The only difference is that is saves you the property assignment for the SqlCommand object's Connection property.
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