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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. Have you attempted to run the program using the Windows RunAs Service? Try that to see if the operation is allowed in the first place. Right-click the program shortcut | Select "Properties" | Check "Run as different user" | Launch shortcut Also try your code using a less-privileged local user account to see if the issue is the result of domain-level security restrictions.
  2. Unless you produce a kernel-mode driver you're not going to see much, if any, speed differences between various options. The network will always be the bottleneck, as various case studies have shown with SQL Server and IIS 6. You can use System.Net.Sockets or the Win32 Winsock API and see a minimal speed difference but a huge ease-of-development difference when it comes to the System.Net.Sockets namespace, which is vastly easier to work with. Remember: the BCL is there. Either use it or head back to unmanaged C++.
  3. No, there is no practical way of catching such an event, nor should there be a need to. You may want to rethink your application's architecture or otherwise accept the idea that you'll just have to delete the files manually.
  4. Check the user-agent HTTP header using Request.UserAgent. It'll contain ".NET CLR 1.0.3705" (or a different version number) if the user is accessing the site using Internet Explorer.
  5. [api]auxSetVolume[/api]
  6. Books really aren't a complete reference source. Use MSDN instead. [msdn=System.Single]System.Single.Parse()[/msdn]
  7. Your best bet is to file a suggestion with the maker of this software, Jelsoft. Keep in mind however that this version of vBulletin (the software this forum runs on) is slated to be upgraded in the near future. That may or may not solve the problem.
  8. The article "Query and Display Excel Data by Using ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and Visual Basic .NET" may be of some help to you, although it assumes that the Excel sheet being queried has ranges defined.
  9. Use the [msdn=System.DateTime]DateTime.ParseExact()[/msdn] method instead.
  10. You're using Windows XP(onentially worse than 2000), correct? While you shouldn't delete the account, there should be a setting somewhere in Windows XP's user options to set the default user logged on at startup. If there isn't, download Tweak UI and that has an option that'll work for you.
  11. If the only thing that's off is post counts let's consider ourselves lucky and "fogetta 'bout it". :)
  12. Please start a new thread. It is against forum policy to "hijack" older threads. Thank you.
  13. There is no "EnableSorting" property. [mshelp]ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDKv1.1/cpref/html/frlrfsystemwebuiwebcontrolsdatagridclassallowsortingtopic.htm[/mshelp]
  14. It should have read "e.User.Identity", and I have no idea why the event isn't being called. It is raised as soon as an authentication cookie is set. Make sure the portion of your code that sets the cookie is in fact reachable.
  15. http://research.microsoft.com/projects/clrgen/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/03/09/NET/
  16. MSDE is exactly what you're looking for if you want to develop an address book type application. It can be easily installed alongside your application if you choose to redistribute it. And while you know longer need the MSDE setup, you might as well keep it for the future. Additionally, make sure the trial version you downloaded is up-to-date with Service Pack 3 for SQL Server installed.
  17. You don't need to buy try or buy anything if you don't wish to. MSDE is a completely free download, and features most of what SQL Server has to offer. I use it for development on a regular basis, and will only be upgrading to the $40 Developer's Edition for full-text search capabilities that are required for one of my projects.
  18. The following will return albums recorded by a specified artist: Command.CommandText = "SELECT AlbumName FROM Albums WHERE Artist = '" & ComboBox.SelectedText & "'"
  19. *Throws Banjo in the East River *
  20. There is no MSDE interface, per se. You'll need to use T-SQL to perform actions. A command-line client called "osql" is installed with MSDE an can be invoked through the Start Menu | Run command. Reference for T-SQL can be found on MSDN.
  21. It's RTM. Should be in stores around the 21st of this month.
  22. Personally I can't wait for database caching and .NET stored procedures (in conjunction with "Yukon"), by far two of the most useful features in version "2.0". I could care less about the IDE changes, frankly.
  23. Access is denied because your user object has no roles associated with it as far as the Forms Authentication module is concerned. You need to handle the FormsAuthentication_OnAuthenticate event in global.asax and set the User property of the passed event parameter to a new principal object that has roles defined in it. Public Sub FormsAuthentication_OnAuthenticate(source As Object, e As FormsAuthenticationEventArgs) Dim roles() As String = {"admin"} e.User = New GenericPrincipal(e.User.Identity, roles) End Sub Of course you'll need to retrieve the roles for the currently authenticating user from a database or less preferably hardcode them into the event.
  24. Yep, same as it was back in Visual Basic.
  25. The process is executing under the ASPNET account, which doesn't have a visible desktop.
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