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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. SqlExceptions are only thrown when there's a problem accessing SQL Server or one of its objects. There's either something wrong with your connection string, an object name, or the database server can't be found.
  2. Or you could just chuck it into a CodeDOM template and execute it directly. Probably be a lot easier.
  3. The most important consideration to make is the contexts in which the applications are executing. The ASP.NET application is going to be running under the ASPNET system account and the VB.NET application will be running under the user account of your choice. Assuming that barrier can't be eliminated and also remembering that the ASPNET system account has very limited access to the file system by default, we can determine that the best course of action would be to use a method that requires very few privileges: Windows sockets. This is the common method of communication between unequally privileged processes running on different accounts (or different machines) or as Windows services.
  4. You can't. Not directly anyway, since the variables are out of scope. It would be much more appropriate to set the variable in the page and pass it to the user controls that require it via properties.
  5. I can almost guarantee that isn't the line causing the exception. Please post the entire block of code.
  6. Use the Win32 API function [api]SendMessage[/api] and the window messages WM_GETTEXT and WM_SETTEXT.
  7. Derek Stone


    The System.Net namespaces are an integral part of the framework. They are located in System.dll, and do not require any references by default.
  8. You can use the Win32 APIs [api]FindWindow[/api] and [api]ShowWindow[/api] to hide the window. Better yet, run the application as a Windows service.
  9. This is a known bug in the framework. Microsoft has issued no fix for it, although various developers offer workarounds. Search Google for their unsupported patches and suggestions.
  10. Open up the management console (Start | Run | "mmc") and add the Local Computer Policy snap-in. Navigate to Computer Settings | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Local Policies | Security Options. Change the policy "Amount of idle time required before disconnecting session" to the time you want.
  11. Use seven labels...
  12. The code runs smoothly on Windows XP, yelnic. Steve McMahon developed the application on it and I just tested it. There's something different with your machine.
  13. The way in which you worded your question led me to believe you were asking for something slightly different. WebClient will not work for such a task. Steve McMahon from vbAccelerator has an example that you might just like however: Thumbnail Extraction Using the Shell.
  14. Please reread my post. I've clearly stated why that is not a good idea.
  15. You can download the image file directly using the [msdn]System.Net.WebClient[/msdn] class, unless there's some particular need for the API, that is.
  16. The ArrayList is serializable. It's one of the more commonly used data types in Web Services.
  17. As an alternative to posting in the General forum I think it might be wiser to create two subforums entitled "Code Library Discussion" and "Tutors Corner Discussion". This is the model that is used on the vBulletin site, and it works quite well from my viewpoint. It would keep posts out of General and keep the Knowledge Base forums uncluttered. Threads could be created by whomever posts the tutorial/code snippet in the Knowledge Base, or it could be left up to the users to create threads. For the most part I'd prefer the former however.
  18. Context.Items is not persisted across multiple requests. Please read my post above.
  19. Context.Items is not what you're looking for. Once the user posts the page back with any changes the database should be requeried and comparisons should be made from there. If you don't do it in such a manner your application is going to suffer huge concurrency issues.
  20. There is no physical upgrade from Visual Studio 6 to Visual Studio .NET. They are two separate software packages. With that said Microsoft (and its vendors) offer "special" upgrade prices for existing Visual Studio users.
  21. You also have to remember that a bulletin board system isn't exactly the best place for a code repository. We're simply working with what we've got.
  22. I suggest you try again. The URL posted is correct.
  23. Flash exposes itself to its host, usually a browser, via JavaScript events that can be called using the FSCommand() method. You can capture these to pass data to the host or use the object model that Flash exposes to the host to pass data to the movie.
  24. Your concerns are addressed in the following thread: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69454
  25. In general your application's installation should register any fonts required by your program. By doing so the font is available for use via regular means.
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