You'd be much better served by using the Random class.
'Initialize a new random number generator with a seed value
Dim rand As Random = New Random(CType(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks Mod System.Int32.MaxValue, Integer))
'Minimum and maximum values to generate
Dim minValue As Integer = 0, maxValue As Integer = 10
'Initialize each element in array to a random number between 0 and 9 inclusive
Dim numbers() As Integer = {rand.Next(minValue, maxValue), _
rand.Next(minValue, maxValue), _
rand.Next(minValue, maxValue), _
rand.Next(minValue, maxValue), _
rand.Next(minValue, maxValue)}
Dim counter As Integer
'Enumerate through the array
For counter = numbers.GetLowerBound(0) To numbers.GetUpperBound(0)
MessageBox.Show(numbers(counter).ToString, Application.ProductName)