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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. You have to implement native Win32 interfaces to create a MMC console. While possible from .NET it's more of a task currently oriented to C++ developers. Don't let this discourage you though. Have a look around on the Web for a class/library that puts a .NET wrapper around it for you. You never know what you might find.
  2. "<text><999>" matches the regular expression "<.+>". It starts with a less-than character, has text in the "middle", and ends with a greater-than character. If you want to limit it to just as single tag use "[^<>]".
  3. In most cases a Try block should only contain one or two statements. However more often than not one comes across blocks with multiple lines of code shoved into them, which is a poor practice at best. The steadfast rule is: keep the number of lines to a minimum, and the exceptions specific. What should you do if code that follows the Try/Catch block shouldn't execute if an exception was thrown? Change a boolean variable in the Catch block and use If/Then logic to detect the outcome.
  4. Launch the application using a Java applet or an ActiveX control. While it is possible to do what you're looking to do using JavaScript, most security conscious users would find it a bit disconcerting.
  5. http://www.brinkster.com/
  6. That's known as an anonymous method. C#, along with VB.NET, will gain anonymous methods, generics (similar to templating in C++), and partial types. VB.NET will also gain XML code comments, a feature that C# already has. ASP.NET will be augmented with master pages, personalization, and a few dozen additional server controls. All in all, this will be a major release.
  7. Microsoft (and other sources) have released a dozen or more application blocks to date that I'm aware of. I suggest you browse their site prior to making such statements.
  8. You're probably looking for the type [msdn]System.DateTime[/msdn], not [msdn]System.TimeSpan[/msdn].
  9. You do not need to be familiar with JavaScript to code in .NET, though it looks like you need to purchase a book to get started.
  10. Longhorn can run C++ games just fine. I'm not sure where you're going with this.
  11. Something like this would take about an hour to code in ASP.NET. The equivalent in ASP could take ten times that. You decide. :)
  12. Interop.sqldmo.dll is a .NET assembly and can not be registered. It just needs to be copied.
  13. You'll need to copy and register sqldmo.dll to the host. Register it by launching a command prompt (on said server) and type "regsvr32 <path>\sqldmo.dll".
  14. Hashes are not a form of encryption, but a form of checksum. Encryption implies that the data can be retrieved. Passwords, once hashed, can not be. Dim provider As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider() Dim hash() As Byte = provider.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("foobar")) Dim hashedPassword As String = System.Convert.ToBase64String(hash)
  15. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/shell_basics/shell_basics_extending/context.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/shell_int/shell_int_extending/extensionhandlers/contextmenuhandlers.asp
  16. For the time being you can construct the URI to additional pages using the following template: http://www.dotnetforums.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=#&pagenumber=# While this isn't elegant, it's one of the few workarounds for now.
  17. The SelectedIndex property returns the index of the item, not the item text.
  18. [msdn]System.Data.DataView[/msdn]
  19. I imagine most save game files consist of a linear set of binary instructions to recreate the map, thereby reducing file size and the time needed to save and load each game. A database would be far too bloated for such a task.
  20. This has nothing to do with a bad connection string. Microsoft Access is erroring because it can not locate a workgroup file, that in all reality, it does not need to find. This is why Access is a poor choice for any database project. Bad architecture... I'll try to find a reference to fixing this problem, AlexCode. I've encountered it myself when I used to use Access.
  21. If you are programming against an installed copy of Microsoft SQL Server (including MSDE) then it is relatively easy to create a new database and contained tables. Have a look at the CREATE DATABASE and CREATE TABLE statements (either online or in a T-SQL reference).
  22. You can cause a postback from any element that supports an onclick event (JavaScript).
  23. It is clearly a very poorly designed class.
  24. Yes it can be, but please start a new thread to discuss it. Let's try to keep this one focused to Optikal's question.
  25. It's "the way to go" if you feel like adding a COM dependency to your application. I'd stick with Nerseus' answer on this one if I were you.
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