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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. A module is considered by the VB.NET compiler as a static sealed class. So whether or not you create a module the assembly will wind up with a class in it anyway.
  2. Call Image.Dispose() on instances of the Image class.
  3. That's a really good description of the problem. Come on... put in a little effort Jorge.
  4. Nothing works correctly in Internet Explorer... what's your point? ;) I simply noted that style for reference, since you mentioned it above.
  5. No, it can not. I did reply to your other post however, and that should offer some help.
  6. Threads running under ASP.NET will either have to block the current request or they will be terminated as soon as the request is. In other words while your idea is a good one in theory, it simply will not work. A solution for this would be to call an ansychronous Web method that returns immediately (which won't block the request for any extended period of time) or use the method linked to below. http://authors.aspalliance.com/PaulWilson/Articles/?id=12 I like neither solution to be perfectly honest.
  7. <style type="text/css"> @media print { screen: landscape; } </style>
  8. No, you can only do it with a client-side script.
  9. ASP.NET does not support frames. Redesign the site without frames if you plan on leveraging ASP.NET.
  10. Derek Stone


    Did you register the user control on the top of your page?
  11. They are that simple... System.IO.File.Exists()
  12. You do realize that any user with the given permissions can load up the database in Access and corrupt it to their pleasing? What you've described is a horribly insecure system.
  13. The command above is the line of T-SQL sent to Microsoft SQL Server by Enterprise Manager or any other client to set the appropriate permissions. This is the command line version, while EM would be the GUI version. They do the same thing, but seeing how the command line is much faster it should be used instead.
  14. Run the following using OSQL.exe. GRANT SELECT ON
  15. Look for the terms "sql server bulk insert" on Google. Performing anymore than a few consecutive inserts at once without doing a bulk insert is just asking for performance problems.
  16. Once you've created the AppDomain you need to keep a reference to it. The current domain can not be changed.
  17. The DateTime.ParseExact() method may offer a clearer solution. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=81354
  18. NK2000: Please stop posting replies when you know nothing about the topic. Thank you. sageindoubt: http://www.theserverside.net/articles/article.aspx?l=UnitTesting
  19. Just to note paging via a DataGrid (which uses the PageDataSource class as stated by mr relaxo, above) is not a good idea if the set of data contains more than a few thousand rows.
  20. That looks valid, yes.
  21. The following assumes that the generated controls have names prefixed with "ctlGenerated". Dim item As String For Each item In Request.Form If item.IndexOf("ctlGenerated") = 0 Then 'This item is a generated control End If Next
  22. I wouldn't suggest either one of those solutions as they assume the date is in a particular format. Try the solution I posted in this thread instead.
  23. Sessions are created (or mapped) automatically on each request. There's no coding required. This of course assumes that sessions are enabled in web.config.
  24. That counter is grossly inaccurate. It's hardly worth mentioning.
  25. There's an example in the .NET SDK under [msdn]System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket[/msdn].
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