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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. Tim Dawson's .NET Controls
  2. Hashtables store objects, including string values. If you want to store both a name and an address create a "Person" object and add that to the hashtable instead of a string.
  3. The process needs to have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege granted to it prior to calling [api]ExitWindowsEx[/api](). Request the privilege using [api]AdjustTokenPrivileges[/api]().
  4. [msdn]System.IO[/msdn] is the best method...
  5. It depends on the type of timer. http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/04/02/TimersinNET/default.aspx
  6. As should be expected. You need to close the socket prior to terminating the thread.
  7. You'd be correct in guessing C/C++. The C language has been around since 1972, and C++ was invented by Bjarne Sroustrup between the years 1982 and 1985 at Bell Laboratories. Given their extensive history these two languages have permeated into just about every commercial OS on the market today. As such, they maintain a huge market share. C# in contrast, is a fairly new language, and it's based primarily on the Microsoft Windows platform (I won't speculate as to the various other projects being undertaken to port .NET to other operating systems).
  8. Components (such as Timer) need a window handle to work correctly. Services, which generally do not have windows, obviously have no window handle available.
  9. We're going to need a bit more information than just an error.
  10. Microsoft Internet Explorer | Tools | Internet Options... | Advanced | Disable script debugging
  11. Use the [api]FormatMessage[/api] Win32 API function to retrieve a description of the error.
  12. Yes. It'll be a bit of work, but very doable.
  13. Millions of applications around the world utilize the Microsoft icons that ship with the company's products. Using anything else would provide an inconsistent GUI to the user. Rarely, very rarely, do I enourage copyright infringement, but in this case there's little to no question in my mind. You're using the icons to provide users with an environment that adhere's to Microsoft's layout, not for direct profitable gain. Use your own best judgement however. I don't develop document-based applications so I've never been forced into making a decision such as this. Legally it's a no-no, but I can absolutely see the justification for using them.
  14. Not without using JavaScript.
  15. C# was created by Anders Hejlsberg. He has a background in C/C++ as well as J++. A combination of those two languages' influence probably best represents the environment from which the language evolved.
  16. Don't give SCO any ideas Tim. Jeez. ;)
  17. No, that's what Banjo actually looks like.
  18. Visual Basic applications, along with all other Win32 applications, run just fine on Microsoft "Longhorn". Anyone that claims otherwise clearly has no understanding of the platform.
  19. [mshelp]ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDKv1.1/cpguidenf/html/cpconClassVsComponentVsControl.htm[/mshelp]
  20. Use the T-SQL REPLACE() function.
  21. There is no proper way of doing this that I'm aware of. I looked into it myself (for reasons far beyond aesthetics) and came up empty handed.
  22. Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and numerous other RDMS work very differently than a Microsoft Access database. You do not need to compromise a server's security when using one of the database servers listed above. One can not say the same thing about a file-based database, such as Access. When statistics show that the majority of security problems arise from company employees, not external sources, one might not look at things with the same opinion as you do. Something to think about.
  23. No, it does not.
  24. A user wouldn't need the database password to corrupt the file. They simply need to to open the file in Notepad and delete away.
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