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Xtreme .Net Talk

Derek Stone

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Everything posted by Derek Stone

  1. You can work with external data sources from within Access. There are no additional steps needed to generate reports for them.
  2. It's all on MSDN. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/distsql/distsql_84xl.asp
  3. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=83429
  4. The most likely answer is the Visual Studio .NET product team didn't get to it in either the 2002 or 2003 versions. I believe there's more support for handlers in Visual Studio "Whidbey" however.
  5. System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo(3081)
  6. All of these are cheap hacks for lack of better phrasing. In reality you shouldn't be messing with the user's history. That is there choice.
  7. No. If your project was properly structured (n-tier), you wouldn't have to recompile all of it to make simple changes such as those.
  8. Set the current culture using the [msdn]System.Threading.Thread[/msdn].CurrentThread.CurrentCulture and [msdn]System.Threading.Thread[/msdn].CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture properties. Setting Session.LCID (which maps to [msdn]System.Globalization.CultureInfo[/msdn].LCID) has little affect on formatting of dates and times.
  9. It looks as if there's a reference to the ADODB library in your global assembly cache. Try removing it.
  10. The problem with the ASP.NET Forums project is not its feature set. It is not a commercial product which implies no support, and there's little guarantee that the project will continue in the future.
  11. Ideally it would be great if these forums ran off of ASP.NET, but server restrictions and lack of decent software puts a halt to any such idea. And, in reality, it doesn't matter. Even when I do release Incandesoft Forums I doubt iNET Interactive, the owners of this site, will convert to a Microsoft platform. It's simply not in their best interest to do so, and I for one understand that. They made a mistake choosing Linux as a platform. We need to be sorry for them, not aggravated! ;)
  12. You can add the following meta tags to your Web page, however there is no way of ensuring what you want to do. <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="no-cache" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="-1" /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" />
  13. Microsoft has always offered upgrade pricing on its products. The only question is what they'll set it at.
  14. Dim firstnamespan HtmlContainerControl = DirectCast(firstname, HtmlContainerControl)
  15. You'll need to download the file prior to reading it. This is encapsulated in the [msdn]System.Net.WebClient[/msdn].DownloadFile() [msdn]System.Net.WebClient[/msdn].DownloadData() methods.
  16. If you're using a 3rd party control you need to first copy it to your application's "bin" directory and then reference it in your project. On the other hand, if you're compiling your own control to its own assembly and referencing it all within the same solution, then you should compile the control prior to working on the main project, an exclude the control project from the build. Of course you could instantiate the control from within the project and have the class included in the application's assembly.
  17. Span elements should inherent their parent's attributes. <span id="firstName" runat="server"></span> Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) firstName.InnerText = yourVariable End Sub You may have to cast the span element to a HtmlContainerControl prior to setting it's text.
  18. Use the Microsoft.Win32.Registry class to query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\".
  19. Navigate to Administrative Tools | Microsoft .NET 1.1 Configuration. Navigate through the tree that appears: My Computer | Runtime Security Policy | Machine | Code Groups | All_Code | LocalIntranet_Zone Right click on "LocalIntranet_Zone". Select "Properties". Select the "Permission Set" tab that is displayed in the "LocalIntranet_Zone Properties" dialog and set the permission set to "FullTrust".
  20. I believe passing the control code FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME to the Win32 API [api]DeviceIOControl[/api] will dismount the USB memory stick. Getting a IO handle to the disk is as simple as calling [api]CreateFile[/api].
  21. It sounds like the IIS Metabase is corrupt or contains invalid information for that virtual directory. Create a new virtual directory and see if that works.
  22. Make sure that "NotFound.aspx" actually exists in the current directory. If it does not the runtime will fallback to the default "file not found" error page. Also keep in mind that you will need to prefix the error page's location with a "/" if the application contains subdirectories.
  23. Ideally you should look towards setting the UI elements to these variables in the "Page_Load" event instead of placing sporadic calls to Response.Write() throughout the page. In doing so you'll generate a more maintainable Web site.
  24. The project most likely holds a reference to both the compiled assembly in the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" directory, and contains the source code to the control, which is compiled along with the rest of the project. Make sure to check for duplicate references, and delete copies of the assembly that are located outside of the application's "bin" directory.
  25. Grant NTFS read/write/modify permissions to the file. This is usually done in Windows Explorer by right-clicking the file, selecting properties, and then the "Security" tab.
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